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How do you know if you're friends with benefits?

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So I asked about the booty call and I know i'm not that, but the friends with benefits thing still confuses me. What are the signs that you are stuck in that zone?

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Booty call and friends with benefits are the same thing.


If a guy isnt taking you on actual dates, or trying to introduce you to his friends and family, and doesnt want a relationship/commitment, youre a booty call aka FWB.


If youre having sex with someone outside of a relationship, and the other person isnt interested in starting one with you, you are a booty call. FWB is a nicer way of saying it.

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FWB should mean sex without any emotional attachments. Once you develop romantic feelings for the other, then you're no longer FWB.

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He calls you for "insta-dates", meaning he never plans anything with you in advance, and wants to see you right then and there. If you say "I can't", he doesn't try to make plans with you, he just says OK or vaguely refers to getting together with you later.


Usually he doesn't want to take you out or spend any $$$ on you. He just wants to come over (or worse, asks you to come to his place).


It's been my experience that these types of FWB men are more interested in the "With Benefits" part. They're not really very good friends at all, especially when I compare their friendship qualities to my GF's. For instance, I don't feel like I can call them and vent, like I can my GF's. They can't be relied upon for much of anything, except sex.

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So I asked about the booty call and I know i'm not that, but the friends with benefits thing still confuses me. What are the signs that you are stuck in that zone?



Well, he still treats you like all his other female friends, but you guys are more physical than your other guy friends.

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Booty call = you don't exist except for when you are having sex with him

FWB = you exist on a regular basis, but when you aren't having sex, it is purely platonic


Booty calls only see each other when it is time for him to have sex. FWB see each other regularly, but there is no relationship outside of what happens in the bedroom.


The only time you feel an intimate connection with him is when you are having sex. When you get together, you get right to it and when it is over he finds an excuse to leave or to ask you to leave. His interest drops to zero when he ejaculates.


You don't date. All you do is hook up on a regular basis.


When you aren't hooking up you are treated just like any other platonic friend, and he will not hide the fact that he is dating and/or looking for a 'real' girlfriend. He will publicly avoid hugging/kissing or anything that shows that the two of you have something going on, and when he isn't in the mood for sex he won't let you close to him either.


Basically, you are a step up from masturbating, with as little emotion going into it as masturbation.


I'm in one of these right now. It isn't for the weak of heart, and it surely isn't for someone who has emotional investments in it. All you are doing is asking for heartbreak. Once a guy puts you in this category, he can grow fond of you but it will never really be more than that.

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So how do you differentiate booty call, FWB and the new dating etiquette of "hanging out"?


Man.......I'm confused. I have a thread going that ties into this and I just don't get it. It's been established that most guys in the 20-year-old generation usually want to hang out and not go on actual dates.


So how do you define a guys interest from the three of these categories?

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Booty call and friends with benefits are the same thing.


If a guy isnt taking you on actual dates, or trying to introduce you to his friends and family, and doesnt want a relationship/commitment, youre a booty call aka FWB.


If youre having sex with someone outside of a relationship, and the other person isnt interested in starting one with you, you are a booty call. FWB is a nicer way of saying it.

Booty call and FWB are not the same thing IMO.


Friends with benefits is a person you are actually friends with, & you both enjoy the benefits of having sex with each other. You are not in a monogamous relationship


A booty call is someone you are not friends with. You don't talk on the phone and share common interests you don't really hang out at all. The only time you talk is to plan the next time you will have sex. Then you don't hear from that person again

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