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Mixed Signals?


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I have been texting this guy (he is 24 and from brazil but moved here 13 years ago -> I am 22 f) and we live about 30 min away from eachother. Anyway, he isn't very talkative nor is he flirty. Usually I would take that as a hint. However, when I don't answer he usually sends a "soo" or a "what are you doing now" text. And he texts me every day. He tells me I'm pretty/beautifu (not excessively, just sometimes. i say stuff to him too). He told me he wants to buy me a sweatshirt/he was at a strip club and i said make sure you treat the girls well and he said "id rather spend the money on you"..

I've opened the door for "certain" types of conversations on more than one occasion...

I don't know what to think?


Any thoughts?

How do I get him to open up?

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He's giving you little crumbs here and there to keep you hooked on your text, and it works. He probably has a dozen of other girls like you on text.

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Sounds like the work of a stringer to me -- a guy who strings multiple women along via text to keep his options open, until he can narrow it down to dating just one of his options. Don't be this guy's option anymore. Close the door, delete his texts, block his number, and go out and meet guys in person instead. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in a virtual relationship with this guy who will probably give you excuses why he can never meetup with you in person.

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Yeah, I mean I've considered the fact that he's talking to other girls but that wouldn't really bother me since we aren't dating. And it's not a "virtual relationship" we just live like I said about 30 min away so it's not like I would see him every day. But even if he was stringing me along, why would he text me every day/frequently throughout the day <b/>just regular texts<b/> vs flirting or even sexting? Even if he didn't like me much most guys do that just because that's in their nature. It's just a mixed signal because he will say things about how he has a gift for me (I'm going up there in a week) and he will call me pretty/beautiful or hun

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sdrawkcaB ssA

Here I thought it was a Brazilian Portuguese language barrier that was happening. Though it may be cultural and his personality.


I had a brief acquaintance with a Brazilian rock band 6 years ago... From what we talked about, I gathered that sexuality across the board is more open than in the states. So if you feel uncomfortable that he is more sexual than emotional connected, you may have to bring up questions about him and steer him away from physical stuff about you. If he doesn't get the picture, he is into your body more than you.

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You have to have sex to get the gift.


Ask him to call you so you can hear his sexy Brazilian accent. I would be surprised if he called.

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DryCereal - I diagree. This guy IS stringing you along, and you ARE in a virtual relationship with him, since you two never speak to each other on the phone but just via texts.


Do what FitChick suggests: call him. See if you can get him to meet you out in public for a real date.

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sdrawkcaB ssA
I have been texting this guy

-(he is 24 and from brazil but moved here 13 years ago -> I am 22 f)

-and we live about 30 min away from each other.

-Anyway, he isn't very talkative nor is he flirty.

-Usually I would take that as a hint.

-However, when I don't answer he usually sends a "soo" or a "what are you doing now" text.

-And he texts me every day, usually after he gets off work and then until one of us falls asleep or if he isn't working when he wakes up.

-He tells me I'm pretty/beautifu (not excessively, just sometimes. i say stuff to him too). He told me he wants to buy me a sweatshirt and he was at a strip club and i said make sure you treat the girls well and he said "id rather spend the money on you"..

-I've opened the door for "certain" types of conversations on more than one occasion... And it doesn't really go anywhere. The farthest it's gone is I've said "Im cold" and he said "I'll come warm you up" and then I opened the door for that type of conversation to continue but it didn't. Same with a similar situation

--I don't know what to think?


Any thoughts?

How do I get him to open up?

Sounds like what I already answered but with a different topic.


I don't flirt... as I never could figure it out. I am more direct with sexuality, so

flirtation isn't what kindles my fire or never was needed to kindle the others as well.


Maybe he is similar in how he is sexually. Allow him to express his sexual side by playing with what you will do with each other in intimacy. Like how much you like being tingled down your neck and so on. Not in verbal foreplay, but to share sexuality without being explicit yet can be teasing in a good way.

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