mental_traveller Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I don't mean legally. many people who have affairs, consider that they might be murdered by their betrayed spouse once it is found out? Quite a few murders are revenge for cheating. I'm just surprised any wife or husband cheats, aren't they scared of being killed or maimed? Link to post Share on other sites
Geishawhelk Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 If people are so much in fear of their lives if they were to be unfaithful - they wouldn't do it. Fear is a heck of a ball-scruncher.... Link to post Share on other sites
Adunaphel Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I don't mean legally. many people who have affairs, consider that they might be murdered by their betrayed spouse once it is found out? Quite a few murders are revenge for cheating. I'm just surprised any wife or husband cheats, aren't they scared of being killed or maimed? If they saw it as an *actual* possibility, I do not think they would have gotten married in the first place. Or they would be hopefully already divorced. If your partner told you something like "If you ever cheat on me, I will make sure that you either die or end up in a wheelchair" and you felt that she meant it, wouldn't you consider it as a huge red flag? Would you date someone who got arrested on attempted murder on a cheating partner? (note: when writing the above I was not thinking about serial cheaters with no scruples whose life is basically a whole lie, but about more 'average' cheaters at the first and/or only affair) Link to post Share on other sites
Woggle Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Anybody willing to give up their freedom for a lying cheater deserves whatever they get. Link to post Share on other sites
grogster Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 At least in the West, among professional classes, death (of the cheater) is rarely the wages of sin. In fact, the betrayed wife often has more to fear from her wayward husband who wants to terminate her in order to be completely with his other women. The betrayed spouse is twice a victim. Think Scott and Laci Peterson. The Chinese appeared to have hit upon a solution:cyber-vigilantism against the unfaithful. Read all about "human flesh search engine" mobs: Link to post Share on other sites
Lizzie60 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I don't mean legally. many people who have affairs, consider that they might be murdered by their betrayed spouse once it is found out? Quite a few murders are revenge for cheating. I'm just surprised any wife or husband cheats, aren't they scared of being killed or maimed? I don't think people think about that.. we can go to the bank and be gun down by the thief.. we can be killed anytime.. anywhere.. plus like Grogster said.. it could be just as 'dangerous' for the BS.. Link to post Share on other sites
ipetree Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I kind of do like the separateness of men and women in Muslim cultures. Think about how much better sex with your husband would be without porn, without him getting hit on by women at the office, without him seeing sexier women every where he goes.. You are the only woman he sees. I think adulterers are stoned in certain areas in some of those countries, not sure. Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I kind of do like the separateness of men and women in Muslim cultures. Think about how much better sex with your husband would be without porn, without him getting hit on by women at the office, without him seeing sexier women every where he goes.. You are the only woman he sees. I think adulterers are stoned in certain areas in some of those countries, not sure. I would rather have my wife cheating on me than have to live in the ABSOLUTE ABSURDNESS of a society like that... Link to post Share on other sites
ipetree Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I would rather have my wife cheating on me than have to live in the ABSOLUTE ABSURDNESS of a society like that... Well marriage in Europe is on the decline..People are not reproducing. European civilization will most likely end in the next 100 years due to your immigration policies. So in the long run, I foresee Europeans (unfortunately)as a bunch of people just having meaningless sex, while the Arab and Muslim cultures prevail. Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Well marriage in Europe is on the decline..People are not reproducing. European civilization will most likely end in the next 100 years due to your immigration policies. So in the long run, I foresee Europeans (unfortunately)as a bunch of people just having meaningless sex, while the Arab and Muslim cultures prevail. You are quite over simplifying a very complex issue. The decline of birthrates and marriage also has a lot to do with being a more developed society. It cost a lot of time and money educate a child until they are the age of about 25 so they can start to be financially independent. Link to post Share on other sites
Geishawhelk Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Well marriage in Europe is on the decline..People are not reproducing. European civilization will most likely end in the next 100 years due to your immigration policies. So in the long run, I foresee Europeans (unfortunately)as a bunch of people just having meaningless sex, while the Arab and Muslim cultures prevail. Shame that it's a culture which very often endorses marriages borne of suppression, coercion and fear. I'd rather live with someone voluntarily, than be in a marriage I want to leave but can't. Link to post Share on other sites
grogster Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 If recent news stories are to be believed, often it's the woman who gets stoned to death for infidelity under Sharia. In Somalia, this 14 year old girl, who was raped, was stoned to death recently for immorality. The story was heartbreaking. Some Shackers have advocated criminal punishment for infidelity. For them, adultery is quite literally a Crime of the Heart. Link to post Share on other sites
jwi71 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 If recent news stories are to be believed, often it's the woman who gets stoned to death for infidelity under Sharia. In Somalia, this 14 year old girl, who was raped, was stoned to death recently for immorality. The story was heartbreaking. Some Shackers have advocated criminal punishment for infidelity. For them, adultery is quite literally a Crime of the Heart. Death for cheating? Please. Make the punishment fit the crime and killing someone over an A is nuts. Now...making it a crime is interesting. In my state, they legislature is considering it. I would have no problems making it a misdemeanor offense, punishable by fine, and community service. Thoughts? Link to post Share on other sites
Reggie Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Anybody willing to give up their freedom for a lying cheater deserves whatever they get. This is right. Not worth the trouble. In many cases, the affairis your get out of jail free card.It saved me from a life of misery with a true NPD. Link to post Share on other sites
Geishawhelk Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Death for cheating? Please. Make the punishment fit the crime and killing someone over an A is nuts. Are you talking about this stoning in Somalia? if so, you need to google it. This was a public and official execution, not just some ranting lunatics behaving deplorably. Although actually, that too..... Now...making it a crime is interesting. In my state, they legislature is considering it. I would have no problems making it a misdemeanor offense, punishable by fine, and community service. Thoughts? Stupid idea. That's the state muscling in on an emotional condition. Ridiculous. Link to post Share on other sites
Stockalone Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 If your partner told you something like "If you ever cheat on me, I will make sure that you either die or end up in a wheelchair" and you felt that she meant it, wouldn't you consider it as a huge red flag? Taking that last step and actually murdering someone is not something that will be easy. Once you cross that line, there is no going back. If you are mentally stable enough to resist that inital urge/rage, most people won't commit murder. If someone "snaps", all bets are off. I like this quote from Shakespeare: "No, you unnatural hags, I will have such revenges on you both That all the world shall -- I will do such things -- What they are yet I know not, but they shall be The terrors of the earth! You think I'll weep: No, I'll not weep." Unlike King Lear, there are people that have the capability to make good on their threats. Leaving your options open (death, broken wrists/kneecaps, financial ruin, etc.) are IME a more effective deterrence than a predefined penalty. Fear of the unknown will, more often than not, work in the favour of the person who makes the threat. I know that I can't just let it go. A cheater needs to pay for his/her betrayal. What I would do, I am unsure about. Would I kill them? Very unlikely, I am against capital punishment. But it is not impossible under specific circumstances. I never had to take a life, but I know how to do it. Would you date someone who got arrested on attempted murder on a cheating partner? I would rather date a woman like that than a woman who cheated on a previous partner. But I would want to know why she did it and if she knew what she was doing. Some Shackers have advocated criminal punishment for infidelity. For them, adultery is quite literally a Crime of the Heart. I am one of them. The way I see it, a cheater is not different from a traitor. Link to post Share on other sites
grogster Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I would never in a million years form a relationship with a woman who attempted to murder her partner for infidelity. Better a woman who sleeps around than kills. As for criminalizing adultry, South Korea does so: A recommended 18 month sentence. Link to post Share on other sites
Reggie Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I would never in a million years form a relationship with a woman who attempted to murder her partner for infidelity. Better a woman who sleeps around than kills. Both bad options. Look for someone that has not been drilled to deep. Link to post Share on other sites
grogster Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Both bad options. Look for someone that has not been drilled to deep. lol That's only if I had to choose one or the other. Link to post Share on other sites
Adunaphel Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Taking that last step and actually murdering someone is not something that will be easy. Once you cross that line, there is no going back. If you are mentally stable enough to resist that inital urge/rage, most people won't commit murder. If someone "snaps", all bets are off. Your post got me thinking. I realized that I'd be more scared to be with a man who seems emotionally stable but threatens very ugly retaliations in case I cheat (or do anything else that would hurt him), than to be with a very emotional and apparently unstable man who is more likely to actually "snap". Unlike King Lear, there are people that have the capability to make good on their threats. Leaving your options open (death, broken wrists/kneecaps, financial ruin, etc.) are IME a more effective deterrence than a predefined penalty. Fear of the unknown will, more often than not, work in the favour of the person who makes the threat. I wonder whether the most effective threat would actually work to the benefit of the person making it. If I were very, very insecure I'd start wondering whether the only reason my partner has not cheated on me is fear of the consequences. Not exactly the kind of doubt that improves your life quality. One threat I would rather make or receive is "I will [insert something horrible here] if you cheat on me and don't tell me about it straight away". Btw, it is fair to add that my perspective is not unbiased. I have never cheated on my own partners, but I am engaged in an affair. Link to post Share on other sites
jwi71 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Are you talking about this stoning in Somalia? if so, you need to google it. This was a public and official execution, not just some ranting lunatics behaving deplorably. Although actually, that too..... I know it. Appalled. But I do not consider the actions of a minority fundamentalist and dogmatic few to be the "norm". I was referring to death for Adultery in general... Stupid idea. That's the state muscling in on an emotional condition. Ridiculous.And the state muscles in on all sorts of emotional conditions and other personal and private abortion and gay marriage. Well, as a BS it was attractive to me. Link to post Share on other sites
Geishawhelk Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 And the state muscles in on all sorts of emotional conditions and other personal and private abortion and gay marriage. Abortion is not just an emotive issue but concerns a moral and physical situation as well. It's the arguable destruction of another life. Gay marriage to me, is just as valid as a heterosexual one. THis too, is not just emotive, but involves a questionable evaluation of a person's capacity and right to love someone of the same sex. So there's an element of 'biology' in there too. Infidelity/screwing around would be purely emotive. whether it be gay, heterosexual, bisexual or whatever. It's still an issue based entirely on an emotional trigger. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I don't think it matters if you make infidelity a criminal act. Bottom line, cheaters never believe they'll be caught. Even when they're caught, many believe they can lie their way out of it by gaslighting. Overall, it's moot to me now. Better to be rid of someone who will cheat, than be saddled with a lifetime of misery. Would you really want to be with someone who would put an emotional knife in your back? Better to cauterize that wound and move on. Forget criminal punishment, including the death penalty. Just let a cheater be who they are, miserable with themselves, inside. This has got to be a far worse punishment than an easy out like death. Link to post Share on other sites
Reggie Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Civil damages? Contract or tort? Link to post Share on other sites
jwi71 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Abortion is not just an emotive issue but concerns a moral and physical situation as well. It's the arguable destruction of another life. Gay marriage to me, is just as valid as a heterosexual one. THis too, is not just emotive, but involves a questionable evaluation of a person's capacity and right to love someone of the same sex. So there's an element of 'biology' in there too. Infidelity/screwing around would be purely emotive. whether it be gay, heterosexual, bisexual or whatever. It's still an issue based entirely on an emotional trigger. Oh so close to TJ... But my point is the state muscles in on private decisions. An abortion is a consideration of two adults. Gay marriage is a private affair (pun intended) between two adults. And the state in each intrudes. So why not make continue on and "punish" cheaters - in their private emotional decision. WE can butt in on abortion and gay marriage - it seems, to me, that it is easier/cleaner to intrude when one cheats on another. Link to post Share on other sites
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