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  1. Past hour
  2. shellzbellz83

    It's driving me crazy

    Agree with this -- you're already intimate, so this feels like a very reasonable question to ask.
  3. basil67

    Is he happy?

    As your current methods of coping aren't having any success, try turning it around: Stop blaming him and start taking responsibility for your own decisions and behaviour. If you had said "I am not the kind of woman who gets involved with married men" none of this would have happened. No more excuses, or self pity. Hold yourself accountable for your downfall
  4. basil67

    Should I hire a sex worker to take my virginity at 26?

    Why not find a different job while studying your degree?
  5. basil67

    It's driving me crazy

    I'd suggest coming right out with the children conversation. "Hey, you said you want kids someday. You know I'm 47, so how does this fit into the equation?" He may tell you that he's aware that it may not happen now that he's getting older and you may choose to cautiously continue. Or if he dodges the question, then assume he's just looking for casual and end it
  6. Today
  7. ExpatInItaly

    Is he happy?

    It's useless to keep going over this in your mind. We don't have the answers, and you never will either. Have you considered changing therapists?
  8. ShadowPheonix

    Should I hire a sex worker to take my virginity at 26?

    How old are we talking?
  9. ShadowPheonix

    Should I hire a sex worker to take my virginity at 26?

    I mean I go to church to try to meet friends. And I’m going to school to get a degree to leave this shitty job. So I’m not just sulking, I’m trying to break out of this.
  10. smackie9

    It's driving me crazy

    You got me at "He wants kids"...in two more years...the possibility of menopause. Don't waste anymore time with this guy. In future...exclusivity/ monogamy before sex. Choose more realistically. You need to assess things that will align with your future plans, not how you feel or how he treats you in the moment. That's why you keep failing.
  11. LauraXX

    It's driving me crazy

    Yes, he was definitely engaged in our real life conversations. No problems there. Well, anyways… I just texted him and asked him about his plans for Saturday night. He has read the message but hasn’t replied yet. We’ll see. I hate that I‘m so pessimistic about this.
  12. Els

    Would you believe him?

    That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard. If it's really just about trolling, why isn't he catfishing men as well? If you believe this, OP, I've got a whole beach's worth of sand to sell you...
  13. Els

    It's driving me crazy

    Hmm. It's hard to say, really... was he engaged in the conversations you two had in real life? Some people aren't big on texting. I guess I'd consider this an orange flag, it depends on the context. I don't think the time of the day affects whether it turns into a FWB situation or not. If you don't want to be in a situation where you are having sex without commitment, then I guess the solution is to not have sex until there is commitment? I don't mean this in the "make them wait" sense, but simply due to the filtering effect. If you're having sex without commitment, then natu
  14. Interstellar

    Older/mature men: What are your insecurities in dating?

    Initially, online (and offline) it’s important to note that men will always be visual creatures. 99 percent of men prefer a woman with long, straight hair. No curly, frumpy or short to super short hair. Below the ear or up to your neck and straight is fine. You want to cast as wide of a net as possible. How she dresses, nothing revealing. A little skin is okay, just enough that you take care of your health. Bicep poses that also show your armpits are lame lol, but you sitting on a bike smiling is good, or holding a volleyball. if you look to be younger than your age, nobody cares about th
  15. smackie9

    Should I hire a sex worker to take my virginity at 26?

    If they ever find out you hired a hooker, that would be even a worst problem. May I suggest clubbing where cougars hang out. Those ladies will do you right...wear a nice shirt and hit the dance floor.
  16. LauraXX

    It's driving me crazy

    The problem is: I must be doing something wrong if all these situationships didn’t work out. I’m the common denominator. I have no problem getting dates and I can’t remember a single situation where the guy wasn’t eager to go on a second date. But I always, always, always end up in the FWB zone sooner or later. Even though I think I’m communicating quite clearly that I’m looking for commitment. So maybe my words are saying one thing, my actions something different (like suggesting late night activities).
  17. LauraXX

    It's driving me crazy

    Yes, I did message him (twice I think) just to check-in and make a bit of small talk, but the conversations died down immediately because his answers were so short, and he didn’t really ask any questions back. He did initiate three of the dates though (with very short, to the point messages).
  18. Els

    It's driving me crazy

    My opinion is that if someone made it all the way to the age of 41 without having kids, they're probably not all that serious about wanting kids. Have you tried messaging him? Did you initiate contact more than once in the past? The way you're phrasing it, it sounds like he initiated contact 3 times and you did once, is that correct? If that is the case, then surely it sounds like YOU are the one indicating lack of interest, not him? I feel like you're overthinking things, which might lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Holy crap, you guys are in your 40s, not teenagers. If y
  19. Els

    Should I hire a sex worker to take my virginity at 26?

    So, you have no friends, can't make friends, you hate your job, and you have no hobbies... but you think the reason why people are rejecting you is your virginity???
  20. OW10

    Is he happy?

    I do indeed regret ending the marriage, but my ex immediately found someone else and he is very happy. I wish him all the best. I loved him but I had problems being intimate with him. There was a lot of love and comfort in the marriage but I wasn't attracted to him anymore and the intimacy had never been very good. I still don't know if I/we made the right decision ending it, because it was a good marriage on other levels. But there is no turning back and I know it's not okay to deny your spouse of intimacy, and especially not running away from the situation in an affair. I still have
  21. LauraXX

    It's driving me crazy

    I’m a long-time LS member (rarely post though). I've been on dating apps for about ten years now—had a few short relationships and lots of situationships. I think I’ve gotten pretty good at spotting red flags. But every now and then, someone comes along who completely knocks you off your feet, and all logic goes out the window. I could use a reality check—am I overthinking, or are my concerns valid? So: I’m 47f and matched with a 41yo guy on Tinder a month ago. We’ve had four dates so far: first one was dinner, second a movie (we kissed), third was sushi in his town (we had sex after), an
  22. In October 2024, I was offered a job opportunity with a well-known tech company called TechPioneers UK, based in Manchester, UK. The role sounded like a dream working as a project manager with an attractive salary and a flexible schedule. The job listing promised excellent benefits, and after a brief interview conducted over email, I was given an offer. The opportunity seemed legitimate, and I felt incredibly fortunate to have been selected. However, things started to take a suspicious turn when I was asked to send £12,000 to cover supposed background checks and training fees. I was told that
  23. My husband and I had always been cautious with our finances, but the world of cryptocurrency seemed too promising to ignore. After months of research and persuasion from so-called investment experts, we decided to invest a significant sum of $700,000 worth of Bitcoin into what we believed was a legitimate and high return opportunity at first, everything seemed perfect. Our portfolio showed steady growth, and we were even encouraged to reinvest our earnings. However, when we attempted to withdraw a portion of our funds, the nightmare began. Excuses, delays, and then complete silence from the pl
  24. BreakOnThrough

    Emotional turmoil of no contact and d-day

    Just stay away from people that are attached, simple.
  25. kindflgirl


    Thank you!! I totally agree!
  26. kindflgirl


    Aww I love that and good for you! I hope to be doing the same at that age! I am definitely trying to learn as much as possible about and the flexibility is absolutely a big component of it for me. I grew up playing sports so my flexibility is ok but this is only going to help me strengthen it and maintain it
  27. isomrat


    Yoga and Exercise is the most valuable thing in our daily life routine. Its make our life happier and healthier, Best of luck dear!
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