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Im lost and need before i give up

Im slipping away

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Im slipping away

Hi everyone, going to start this off with by saying that ive known this girl now for going on six years. Ive gone to school with her and now were both out of school. Ive always been like her best friend, always been there for her through the good times and the bad. Ive loved this girl since the day i meet her but was always to scared to approach her on the topic of us going out, or moving on from being Just friends. But i started to notice that when she was going out with other guys i always questioned myself why cant i be that guy. Ive always treated her like she was a queen and went out of my way and over mountains to do things for her. She tells me that she loves me.


I started to get really annoyed recently because i couldnt help myself i keep thinking about her, like whats she doing, whats she thinking? stuff like that i just want to be near her and with her. But one day she approached me at my house and asked me to go outside with her and talk to her. She asked me if it was ok that she went out with this guy Dom i knew....This was the day that i would spill my heart to her. I told her how i felt about her from the bottom of my heart i asked her why she doesnt see me like she sees other guys..Why cant i be with you? I dont understand...she looked at me and said i know what its like to love someone who doesnt give you the love you want in return. (that shattered my heart) "ive never seen you as that guy" But she stills tells me that she loves me and begins to cry.


I began to think what my buddies told was true, that i was always to much of a nice guy. And now i begin to question myself...was i always to nice? After i told her this i was like well now you now.......i stood there for a sec.just staring at her crying...and i was lost for words...she ended up going out with the guy but it didnt last and they broke up..but now they are "friends and hang out all the time" (whats up with that)


I went awhile without talking to her..like a few months and then she came around to my house saying that she missed me and didnt want me out of her life.. i dont want her out of my life either but i cant just be friends...


we still hang out every once in a while but..for me its just not the same i still have deep feelings for her..She stills tells me that she loves me and calls me all the other cute names and such... but this is where i need help...from you guys...


What do i do about her i need help, i still want to be with her but im unsure of what to do. Please anything would be helpful :( thank you

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go for it. I'm in kinda the same boat and plan on talking to her today (well I planned on talking to her hours ago but i wimped out and did everything else that came to my mind). She probably got tired of waiting for you to make a move and decided it was best not to put all her eggs in one basket and trie to move on. You probably should have asked her out before instead of waiting till she asked you if it was ok to date your friend *note if there were no feelings she wouldn't ask permission IMO.*

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