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Have you had success with these break-up books?

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I mean, you see them everywhere when trying to search the internet for support. For the most part the advertisements sound like timeshare pitches to me--like they would be magical and too good to be true.


These probably bring along more false hope than actual chances to get an ex back. However ideal/simple the books make situations sound, they do provide some solid tips... Sometimes. Their "plans" make sense, but I'm thinking they only work in a perfect world.


I have been interested in the subect, so I'd been looking up testomonials qnd could find none on any of the products. So have any of you had success with these products?



And unrelated sidenote~ my ex finally deleted the pictures of he and I on his facebook. He knew they were there and didn't delete them for a good amount of time. My friend happened to tell me they were gone. This hurt worse than anything has since the break-up... Especially now that he's ignoring me for no reason when he was just warming up too. Why am I being kicked out of his life so suddenly and for no reason?! Ugh... Just want to vent on that part, sorry :/

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Those types of books will only work if the two involved want to get back together.

Nothing will bring someone back if they have decided to move on.


What you can do is read books that help you become a better you and get ready for the next love to come into your life.

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I feel like some of those books are for people who need help with self confidence. I could be wrong but if you are positive and confident then you probably wouldn't them. It is tough and sometimes you want them to come back so bad but what I am still learning is that unless the other person wants you back you have to move forward and work on yourself.

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Sometimes you just want them back because you are scared and you don't think there will be anyone else.

I'm telling you that there is someone else out there for you.


How many billions are living on the planet? Surely there's got to be someone out there who will love you.

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okey seriously, i know that i sound like the biggest idiot when i tell you this over and over again. but what youre asking in all your treads is "how can i get him back" you are just looking into small details that he does to write down on this site, so that people here are going to tell you, well thats a great sign, he wants you back. but you are waisting time. you are giving him everything he wants without getting anything back. he doesn't want you back right now. you have to accept that. if youre ever going back together you cant give him everything he wants.


that doesn't even work in a relationship. if i ask my girlfriend to pack my bags because im going on a long trip. and she says yes of course i will do that. that means i control her. and thats unattractive. not that would do something like that. but its the same principals. guys are chasing girls all the time, thats how it works, now youre chasing him. and more importantly, when a person dumps you, you need to respect that decision.



i know i told you this before, but honestly, i dare you to tell him that you are dating, try that and see what happens. i can almost guarantee that he will come back, or at least show you some signs that he doesn't want you to be with another guy. and when that happens, dont take him back because this guys isn't anywhere close to a gentleman.



i know im off topic right now. about the ebooks, they have a strategy. does it work? well it works to bring attraction back. you tell the person that you accept the breakup. and to improve yourself, not change, but improve. that shows you are strong. and thats attractive. they might come back, maybe only for a while, when they realize that they can have you again. so its always best to wait a long time before getting back together.



"people want what they cant have, and people are missing things they've lost". but what you are doing right now is the exact opposite".

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I know, I know, I've been digging through everything he's been saying with a fine-tooth comb, looking for things that shows he still has feelings! I need constant reassurance he wants me back and I've realized that in the end, that doesn't help. Well, it does because it gives me confidence and keeps me sane, but it doesn't because I might actually have to move on one day and it'll be worse then.


Now what happened with the thing you suggested! Let's just say... this guy has a messed up mind right now. Basically after him asking me some more, I snapped (through text, so he didn't see I was angry) and said, "ok?! Would it make you angry?! Why do you keep asking if you don't care? It is none of your business. So what if I am?"


The day before he was completely fine... He fliiiiipped. He says, "I don't care about you f***ing other guys, Jess. What if I did that s*** to you? F*** off. Stop talking to me. Stop coming to my house to talk to my mom. Stop talking to me. Leave me alone." I told him it wouldn't be doing anything to him because HE left ME, furthermore, he should KNOW that I wouldn't be around having sex with other guys less a month after we ended a 3-year relationship. I told him he can't not want me and be angry if somebody else has me. He says, "it's not even that. I wouldn't be angry, I just wouldn't want to talk to you." At the end of the conversation, he just told me to leave him alone for a bit. His mom told me not to take that seriously because he even told her he didn't want to talk.


So. I gave him time to cool down. We spoke a little about this incident that occurred at work which really upset me. He seemed fine and friendly and sympathetic. I said, "so someone is done being mad?" He says, "I'm not mad." I asked if he still needed me to leave him alone. No answer. I say I guess so. No answer.


So. I deleted him from Facebook and every other thing I could think of. I mean, deleting his number from my phone doesn't do much because I obviously have it memorized, but I've deleted the conversations in my phone so I'm not tempted to look at them and start dissecting. He can cool off, do whatever, never talk to me again, try talking to me again. If he decides to talk again, he will have some major apologizing to do. Because this all... totally uncalled for. We were friendly this ENTIRE time. Maybe he was distant, but he was really getting more comfortable with me again.


He's never been like this. It is baffling. But whatever... Vacation tomorrow! :)

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I never actually bought any, but the advice from their descriptions is the same.


We all have the answer within us, unless we were not really paying attention to our partner and in that case, maybe the break up is necessary.


They are good for hope, but sometimes there is nothing you can do.


I did stop the calling and texting and plan to send one last letter for my own closure. That is what is important, thinking about your needs. There is no point counting the days and waiting for someone to have a change of heart.


I have accepted that the beautiful relationship we had will be just a memory even though myself and others feel our issue can be fixed.


Some people just do not want to work at it and you have to accept it.

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I know, I know, I've been digging through everything he's been saying with a fine-tooth comb, looking for things that shows he still has feelings! I need constant reassurance he wants me back and I've realized that in the end, that doesn't help. Well, it does because it gives me confidence and keeps me sane, but it doesn't because I might actually have to move on one day and it'll be worse then.


Now what happened with the thing you suggested! Let's just say... this guy has a messed up mind right now. Basically after him asking me some more, I snapped (through text, so he didn't see I was angry) and said, "ok?! Would it make you angry?! Why do you keep asking if you don't care? It is none of your business. So what if I am?"


The day before he was completely fine... He fliiiiipped. He says, "I don't care about you f***ing other guys, Jess. What if I did that s*** to you? F*** off. Stop talking to me. Stop coming to my house to talk to my mom. Stop talking to me. Leave me alone." I told him it wouldn't be doing anything to him because HE left ME, furthermore, he should KNOW that I wouldn't be around having sex with other guys less a month after we ended a 3-year relationship. I told him he can't not want me and be angry if somebody else has me. He says, "it's not even that. I wouldn't be angry, I just wouldn't want to talk to you." At the end of the conversation, he just told me to leave him alone for a bit. His mom told me not to take that seriously because he even told her he didn't want to talk.


So. I gave him time to cool down. We spoke a little about this incident that occurred at work which really upset me. He seemed fine and friendly and sympathetic. I said, "so someone is done being mad?" He says, "I'm not mad." I asked if he still needed me to leave him alone. No answer. I say I guess so. No answer.


So. I deleted him from Facebook and every other thing I could think of. I mean, deleting his number from my phone doesn't do much because I obviously have it memorized, but I've deleted the conversations in my phone so I'm not tempted to look at them and start dissecting. He can cool off, do whatever, never talk to me again, try talking to me again. If he decides to talk again, he will have some major apologizing to do. Because this all... totally uncalled for. We were friendly this ENTIRE time. Maybe he was distant, but he was really getting more comfortable with me again.


He's never been like this. It is baffling. But whatever... Vacation tomorrow! :)



well thats great, but still you need to understand the fact that he wants to know what youre up to, dont let him know that, just tell him you actually are dating a guy. i would personally be pissed of if i where you. if he contacts you, tell him that your dating :)

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