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Alexander's latest challenge. And NC's apparent impact on his Ex.

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For all of you keeping up with my journey and theres been a new little hiccup that happened yesterday.


If you want to know the details heres the link http://www.loveshack.org/forums/breaking-up-reconciliation-coping/breaks-breaking-up/331841-what-waste-time


Im very proud of myself for not breaking NC or retalliating. :laugh:

I lifted some heavy weights, had a long hot shower and slept on it.


And how am I feeling today? Absolutely AMAZING! I cannot believe how much progress I made overnight after one little push from her.

I wanted to A) Talk to her to find out why she was being so petty and childish and B) Rip her a new one for being so cruel and agressive when I had done nothing wrong.

But I did neither and I am so glad.


I woke up thismorning, got up, got ready for work and got in the car and left without thinking of her. It wasnt until one of our songs came on the radio that I thought "Oh yeah... Her... Hey! I've gone all morning without thinking about her :D". Normally she's the been the first thing on my mind as soon as I open my eyes. Its little achievments like this that we all need to congratulate ourselves for.


I know that NC has had an impact on her, and I know that she still has feelings otherwise she would not harbor any resentment or hurt.

I did put a bit of thought into her intentions, but at the end of the day I conceded that regardless of her intent, I knew that I did not want her in my life and that I was moving on. I will not allow myself to fall back into the "Maybe it's not too late after all" trap. This is a nasty little mindset I would be much happier keeping well clear of. She's feeding me strength, I'm in control and staying there.


I will be pressing on with NC as it's doing me wonders. My great mood may change in the coming days, and I may find myself feeling weak after a while. But like I said each new stage in moving on presents its challenges, and im ready and waiting to overcome the next little challenge that comes my way.

Ill keep everyone posted with what happens and how I'm doing.


Stay strong fellow LSers!

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i am so very proud of you alexander!! Way to show your ex she no longer has control over you- i'm sure she's pretty pissed off but you showed exemplary patience and self control.. you're definitely on the right track in finding someone who is worth your time. Keep it up! You're an inspiration to us all! :D

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Good job bro, seems like you are moving from strength to strength. The thing is that you are in control most of the time and you actually seem like you now have a little more power over your ex, whether you actually realize it or not.


I've only just read your story but it's one that I can try to take inspiration from.

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Thanks for the support guys :)


I feel in control its great. I cant wait for you guys to get to where I am! You deserve it.

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