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i was pretending to be someone else?

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please don't judge but i have trust issues, every guy i've been with has mucked me about lied and cheated on me. so naturally i'm just going to expect it to happen but back in june i got a spare sim card and started texing my boyfriend pretending to be one of my friends, i was really been flirty to see if he'd do the dirty. (he actually found out a couple of days ago by going through my things and finding the phone and turning it on and seeing the texts) but last night things erupted into a bit of a row and he told me that he knew it was me. i've destroyed the phone and the sim card. but i want to know how can i win back my boyfriends trust? i really need to repair my relationship because i do love this guy too bits! i need him back in my life, i can't just walk away from a year.

we've got two things planned for this month aswell so i'm hoping we can go to them as friends as they have already been paid for but i feel as if there's a hole where my heart should be, i haven't eaten since he split with me, i can't stop crying. i need some good advice about how to win him back, i would never intentionally fck him around and i'd never do something like this again. so it's not asif i'm going to take him for granted if he does take me back.


how do i win back his trust?


also if i do get him back i was thinking of getting him a promise ring to show him i wouldn't be so stupid again but they don't have anywhere that does guy promise rings near me so what would be the next best thing? don't want to go ott, just something simple to show him i love him and i'm grateful for the second chance?

Edited by lingardx
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please don't judge but i have trust issues, every guy i've been with has mucked me about lied and cheated on me. so naturally i'm just going to expect it to happen but back in june i got a spare sim card and started texing my boyfriend pretending to be one of my friends, i was really been flirty to see if he'd do the dirty. (he actually found out a couple of days ago by going through my things and finding the phone and turning it on and seeing the texts) but last night things erupted into a bit of a row and he told me that he knew it was me. i've destroyed the phone and the sim card. but i want to know how can i win back my boyfriends trust? i really need to repair my relationship because i do love this guy too bits! i need him back in my life, i can't just walk away from a year.

we've got two things planned for this month aswell so i'm hoping we can go to them as friends as they have already been paid for but i feel as if there's a hole where my heart should be, i haven't eaten since he split with me, i can't stop crying. i need some good advice about how to win him back, i would never intentionally fck him around and i'd never do something like this again. so it's not asif i'm going to take him for granted if he does take me back.


how do i win back his trust?


also if i do get him back i was thinking of getting him a promise ring to show him i wouldn't be so stupid again but they don't have anywhere that does guy promise rings near me so what would be the next best thing? don't want to go ott, just something simple to show him i love him and i'm grateful for the second chance?


I did the same mistakes in my relationship, played mind games and manipulated my ex so I could have him proof his love to me when I needed him to.


As much as I hated this advice, but I would highly recommend getting your issues fixed first before attempting another relationship with your ex.

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I did the same mistakes in my relationship, played mind games and manipulated my ex so I could have him proof his love to me when I needed him to.


As much as I hated this advice, but I would highly recommend getting your issues fixed first before attempting another relationship with your ex.


i am getting help, i have just come of out a counselling session to fix my insecurities/jealousy. going to have a session each day this week.

but in the mean time i was looking for advice on what to say to him via text as i don't think he'll be up to seeing me.


i'm not going to tell him about me getting counselling as i want to see if it works first, got told a lot of home truths in the session and things i can start to do myself to get me back on track so going to do them. but i really do love this guy and i have never once taken him for granted so i would really like a second chance. hell i need him back, he's my true love

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