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Took a chance with love and got a third degree :(((


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I feel I need to vent :(


The girl I dated 3 years left me. Idk why but I know she was texting this guy while she was with me and when I asked her about it all hell broke loose :(


This summer was our worst summer we argued and never got along. But we started getting better, until she met a new group of friends (around Halloween) and all they tell her is how bad I am for her. She broke up with me 3 days after Halloween for the guy she was texting and always had a thing for from what I heard. 2 weeks after NC she reached out to me, I was happy and she started apologizing and we met up and had dinner and talked. She put me on her snapchat and all broke loose from her friends, they started hitting her up saying "you need to leave him the **** alone and give the other dude a chance". Then the next day she left again.


I wasn't as shocked but a little down. So I went back NC then another 2 weeks later she contacts my best friend saying " I messed up" and the next night she randomly shows up to my house unexpectly. Confessing how much she loved me and making things right. I didn't jump the gun I waited and seen how she reacted. She was confessing how happy she was and felt like God brought us back for a reason. She let me meet the new friend she made that kept saying I wasn't good for her. Her friend said "my opinion about him was wrong". So a month and everything is perfect I mean we didn't argue. Went on dates every Friday connecting starting to feel right. The night before she left I saw her texting that guy she left me for and I asked her about it and hell broke loose and she just started pointing fingers at me.

She started saying "I never loved her" "I didn't truly care about her" "I was still messing with my past" all of that was bull****. Cause I was with her majority of the time.


Then all of sudden she randomly blocks me on every social media account. And I find out she's back with this guy.


She left a ugly voicemail on my phone saying " I never loved her, I was dead to her. I'm never going to hear from her again ever".


Now Im sitting here getting blamed for loving someone who never loved me.

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It is frustrating to read about your pain and confusion. People are often more unkind to romantic partners than anyone else in their lives because they are emotionally incapable of having relationships. Never get invested in anyone who isn't their own person. She cared more about her friends opinions than her own. She allowed others to bulldoze her into making decisions that were none of their business. Perhaps this is a good thing and you may meet someone in the future who isn't immature and a doormat to their friends.

Good luck,


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I came here to post but the poster above said it all, this is why I don't take my problems to other people, because their going to side with me rather than give me an independent opinion on my relationship trouble's.

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