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pregnant and left. feeling low.

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Me and my husband celebrated are 1 year anniversary July 11th last month. I thought we were fine we've been happy. I'm a sahm we have two boys 4 and 2 and I'm 17 weeks with our third. Well Friday august 14 he text he loved me and was on his way home from work. That was at 5:15 p.m, by 8:26 p.m. I called him as he should of been home by then. He didn't answer. At 8:56 I call again the phone is off. By midnight I've called every hospital and the jail no one has him. By 6 in the morning I'm hoping he walks through the door fine.


Well, instead, at 8 a.m I get a text saying. "Can't do this. Ttyl". And that's it. He ignored all my calls and text and finally tried to pin w.e he's going through on me and say its my fault he wants custody and I'm just blindsided, pissed off and hurt. Because our marriage is far from horrible and I love this man to death. Now he's ignoring me again. Unless he has some nasty remark to make, he left us with no money or resources, keeps saying he wants a divorce even though I clearly don't and have found out he's been with at least 2 woman and its only been 2/3 days.


I feel so low and keep asking myself why and what did I do , why doesn't he want me.? I never thought he'd up and leave me and just say f everything and our family. Really hurt and low right now but push myself to keep a happy front for my kids. Where do I go from here? Do I chase a man who just up and decided he was done and didn't say anything?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
Edited for clarity and paragraphs ~ V
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no, don't chase him.


protect yourself and his kids. he mentioned wanting custody...? what is that about...? can you file for divorce on the grounds of abandonment in your state or something like that... cruelty...?


go to the court as soon as you possibly can, every minute is important. protect yourself financially and seek support in those who love you, friends & family.


seek joint custody but with you as a primary caretaker because he is in no way capable of being a good parent with the way he vanished over night. best of luck!

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I'm so sorry about your situation. What kind of husband does this.


Never chase a man who does this. What a poor example of a father.


Have you spoken to his family?

Has he got a history of depression or other mental illness ?

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Have you spoken to his family?


And to your friends and family also? Given your situation, no shame in asking for help. When you speak to your H, let him know you'll be filing for the maximum support allowed.


Do you have access to an attorney?


Mr. Lucky

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