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Any reformed misogynists and misandrists?

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Lot of man/woman hatred to found in LS.


Just wondering...is there anyone here who is a "converted" gender hater? Some guy who used to think women were the scum of the earth, but then found the "one" who changed his perspective of women forever? Some girl who thought all guys were jerks, but found her true love?

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I dont think all guys are jerks, and i have met quite a few, I do believe i met someone though who reignited my love for the male species..or my desire to be close to a male of the species..I have in the past held no desire to be with another. now i know i want to..deb

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I don't think it's an equal number, but its much closer then people want to believe. Misandrists are just much better at hiding it

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Reformed misandrist here. I really used to hate men with a passion. Thought most of them were sleazy, lacked masculine traits, and overall had become a generation of pussies. Then I looked in the mirror. We're gonna be okay.

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Reformed misandrist here. I really used to hate men with a passion. Thought most of them were sleazy, lacked masculine traits, and overall had become a generation of pussies. Then I looked in the mirror. We're gonna be okay.




I love you so much.

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Hope that I am not jinxing it but I have to mention Woggle here.


I have noticed a vast improvement in him.

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Right here though I think I am still in the process of recovery. There are moments I want to say something stupid back when I hear a misandrist comment but I take a moment and stop myself now where before I would just say something misogynist in reponse.

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Woggle has been amazing recently. :)


I used to be a bit of a militant feminist back in my teens due to the culture I was raised in - I wasn't outright misandrist, but did have some leanings towards. That was probably because sexism and hate begets sexism and hate. The culture that I was raised in was inherently chauvinistic, and so I fought right back.


I then realized that I was letting them win, if I allowed the bigoted minds of society to shape my worldview, even if it was in the opposite direction. Moving to an egalitarian country didn't hurt either. :)

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OP - why are you asking? What would locating these people do for you?


Western relationships are currently in a downward spiral, man-hating is everywhere and still on the rise, and the subsequent backlash against that is consequently still on the rise.


I hate MANY women. I see nothing wrong with that, because I hate them not for their GENDER, but for their actions toward men, attitudes toward men and expectations of men. I blame the society as much as the gender itself. Society has told women to embrace and amplify their own corrupt nature. Society has sold these women a lie, that the impossible is possible: that they can be both equal and privileged, that they can be both completely independent and happily devoted, and that they should make as much money as men while only respecting and pursuing men who make more money than they do. Now you have a society where happy marriage is the punchline to a joke.


You want misogyny and misandry to go away? That will only ever happen when human beings can start figuring out how to be honest about their own gender identity and human nature. Not to force "equality in everything" when it is at odds with peoples' fundamental nature and gender roles, but instead to honestly determine how to, as a society, treat both men and women fairly and to honestly value and reward what comes naturally to both.


Unfortunately, the owners of this world WANT the discord we currently experience, WANT to destroy family and have brainwashed an entire generation to think that traditional values are "old and stupid." They'll probably succeed. People are really, really gullible. Hate to break it to you -- you're living on the planet of the short bus. Best not take any of it too seriously.

Edited by ChessPieceFace
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Western relationships are currently in a downward spiral, man-hating is everywhere and still on the rise, and the subsequent backlash against that is consequently still on the rise.


If you think the Asian relationship/gender identity scene is generally full of happiness, peace, and acceptance with no gender-based backlash, you probably have never left America.

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If you think the Asian relationship/gender identity scene is generally full of happiness, peace, and acceptance with no gender-based backlash, you probably have never left America.


Probably hard to have balanced gender perspectives in a society that kills babies for not being male.


Also - many western guys import asian wives and AFAIK are very happy. Why - because these asian women were brought up to understand how to respect men, and are probably very happy by how much their American man respects them in return. Constant disrespect, bitching and impossible demands from western women can hurt relationships? Who knew?

Edited by ChessPieceFace
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OP - why are you asking? What would locating these people do for you?


Western relationships are currently in a downward spiral, man-hating is everywhere and still on the rise, and the subsequent backlash against that is consequently still on the rise.


I hate MANY women. I see nothing wrong with that, because I hate them not for their GENDER, but for their actions toward men, attitudes toward men and expectations of men. I blame the society as much as the gender itself. Society has told women to embrace and amplify their own corrupt nature. Society has sold these women a lie, that the impossible is possible: that they can be both equal and privileged, that they can be both completely independent and happily devoted, and that they should make as much money as men while only respecting and pursuing men who make more money than they do. Now you have a society where happy marriage is the punchline to a joke.


You want misogyny and misandry to go away? That will only ever happen when human beings can start figuring out how to be honest about their own gender identity and human nature. Not to force "equality in everything" when it is at odds with peoples' fundamental nature and gender roles, but instead to honestly determine how to, as a society, treat both men and women fairly and to honestly value and reward what comes naturally to both.


Unfortunately, the owners of this world WANT the discord we currently experience, WANT to destroy family and have brainwashed an entire generation to think that traditional values are "old and stupid." They'll probably succeed. People are really, really gullible. Hate to break it to you -- you're living on the planet of the short bus. Best not take any of it too seriously.


I can't say I really hate many women, but the rest of your post contains some pretty interesting observations.

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Any reformed misogynists and misandrists?
Not me.


Misogynist and proud.


OK no, but there are times I certainly feel that way

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Backlash was the reason I became a misogynist. After having it beaten into me by my mom what a piece of garbage I was because I was a male and having my ex be treated like the victim when she obviously wasn't at the time I just said the hell with it and start throwing the hatred in the other direction until I realized I was becoming no better than them.

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Backlash was the reason I became a misogynist. After having it beaten into me by my mom what a piece of garbage I was because I was a male and having my ex be treated like the victim when she obviously wasn't at the time I just said the hell with it and start throwing the hatred in the other direction until I realized I was becoming no better than them.


Interesting. I had an amazing, caring and honorable mom who told me not to be so negative. But she never had to be a man dating women in 21st century USA. Looking around the world I live in, at the actions and attitudes of the women in this society and how far removed they are from a.) the good ideals I grew up believing about women and b.) what I know is necessary for healthy relationships (mutual respect) is how I formed my own beliefs.


My only consolation is that I don't have to date all of western womanhood (THANK GOD.) I just have to find one single honorable, respectful woman who is worthy of MY great respect that I would give her. I've met MAYBE 2 such women in my entire life. They were both taken. Oh well.

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Backlash was the reason I became a misogynist. After having it beaten into me by my mom what a piece of garbage I was because I was a male and having my ex be treated like the victim when she obviously wasn't at the time I just said the hell with it and start throwing the hatred in the other direction until I realized I was becoming no better than them.


I remember some of your posts from years back. You've certainly changed quite a bit. It's really commendable, because that kind of change is hard to do.

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Ok so which one is the man hater and which one is the woman hater?


When did I call you a woman hater? I said men with tattoos fall into certain classes of men, many of whom are arrogant and trying to be "alpha males" and jerks toward women, and that everything you said since then proves that -especially taking your childish argument into a totally different thread, expecting people to remember who you even are.


I'm not a "woman hater" - I hate many women for their behavior. Big difference. I hate many men for their behavior too, but I don't have to worry about dating them.

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When did I call you a woman hater? I said men with tattoos fall into certain classes of men, many of whom are arrogant and trying to be "alpha males" and jerks toward women, and that everything you said since then proves that -especially taking your childish argument into a totally different thread, expecting people to remember who you even are.


I'm not a "woman hater" - I hate many women for their behavior. Big difference. I hate many men for their behavior too, but I don't have to worry about dating them.

You misunderstood, he was feigning ignorance at the difference between the terms misogynist and misandrist - he wasn't referring to you.

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You misunderstood, he was feigning ignorance at the difference between the terms misogynist and misandrist - he wasn't referring to you.


Ah you're right. Jumped the gun there sorry. :laugh:

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You misunderstood, he was feigning ignorance at the difference between the terms misogynist and misandrist - he wasn't referring to you.


Thank you. -____-

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