whoknows11 Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Has anyone ever had their prayers answered? Have you witnessed any miracles with or without prayer that you believe was the work of god? My life hasnt been well at all the past few months. Ive become much more depressed and miserable. I completly lost myself and I feel i need god the most at this time. Link to post Share on other sites
TaraMaiden Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 as a 35-year (more or less) practising Christian, I turned to Buddhism about 20 years ago. I would say, for my part, it's been a 100% improvement. That's my answer. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
YellowShark Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Prayers answered by whom? You really think there is someone "up there" listening to you and wanting to help you? That's kinda wacky. Christians have been praying and wanting for 2000 years and still not a peep from "up there." Better that you take matters into your own hand and make the changes you want to see in your life than pray to "invisible people" in the sky to do it for you. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
OpenBook Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Yes, it happened to me. Although, being the hardheaded stubborn fool that I am, I waited until it was so bad I dropped to my knees in the middle of my living room floor one day, literally throwing myself on His mercy. I was up against a brick wall with nowhere else to turn, and had NO IDEA what my next move should be. Just didn't know what else to do. I remember being very focused during that episode - I prayed specifically for help on a specific practical life issue (which was unemployment/facing bankruptcy if you're interested, back in the fall of 2008 when everything in the financial industry went to hell). And God answered my prayers in big big - and totally unexpected - ways. Huge sea changes - moving out of state, changing my employment methods, strengthening family ties, etc.etc.etc.etc. I'm doing great now. As good things started to happen again, I was so grateful I vowed to never forget being rescued from that place of desolation and despair... and so I started going back to church again. Completely from a grateful heart, I started following Him again AFTER He had come thru for me. (Yeah that's lame, it's supposed to be the other way around.) Since then, He has answered more of my prayers, but not all of them. Some of those prayers I'm now VERY glad He didn't answer!! Others... well I still wonder, and I'm still praying for them. But the longer I stay "in the faith" the more content I become in "waiting upon the Lord," if you will - because there's been too many times in my life that He has proven in abundance that if I just take my hands off the wheel and let Him do His thing, the outcome is SO much more awesome than anything I could have pulled off myself. The key I think is to go to Him with hat in hand (humbly) and a completely open heart, and don't be afraid to ask for exactly what you want!! It certainly worked for me. 9 Link to post Share on other sites
TaraMaiden Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 - I prayed specifically for help on a specific practical life issue (which was unemployment/facing bankruptcy if you're interested, back in the fall of 2008 when everything in the financial industry went to hell). And God answered my prayers.... funny he should answer your prayers (based, as far as i can surmise, on financial, monetary and materialistic issues) when he threw the money-makers and money-lenders out of the temple, in a decided fit of pique.... ....in big big - and totally unexpected - ways. Huge sea changes - moving out of state, changing my employment methods, strengthening family ties, etc.etc.etc.etc. I'm doing great now. Ah good. Poorer, but wiser, then? Well done.... ....Others... well I still wonder, and I'm still praying for them. The key I think is to go to Him with hat in hand (humbly) and a completely open heart, and don't be afraid to ask for exactly what you want!! It certainly worked for me. Obviously, not to a consistent extent..... Link to post Share on other sites
KathyM Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Yes, I have had many prayers answered by God and witnessed miracles that could only have come from Him. He DOES hear our prayers and respond to them. But you have to be patient. I have had some difficult times in my life and went through devastating things as well, to which I always turned to God. I know many other people personally who have also had their prayers answered and have witnessed miracles in their lives. Keep praying, and seek guidance from God, and He will answer your prayers. All Christians go through tests in their lives, and it is at those times we need to trust God even more. Trust Him, and continue to pray, and He will answer your prayers. 10 Link to post Share on other sites
KathyM Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Drug dealers pray and thank god to not get caught. Not likely, and if they did, their prayers would not be answered, since they have cut off their relationship with God, if they ever had one in the first place. Then they continue to deal poison in thier community. God must want them to deal drugs and destroy lives. Right? You can't blame God for the sins of man. God doesn't answer the prayers of those who have turned their back on Him, and He doesn't support sinful practices. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
darkmoon Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 read Creative Visualisation by Shakti Gawain; prayer is a big subject, but patience and faith will get you results, other good books on metaphysics are by Stuart Wilde, the concept of the self-fullfilling prophecy is viable, so much so the Spanish have a popular saying "be careful what you wish for, because you'll get it" 1 Link to post Share on other sites
KathyM Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 So does he support soldiers in war? Are they destined to burn in hell for killing ? We're allowed to protect ourselves and our belongings. Self defense is not murder. Link to post Share on other sites
Feelin Frisky Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 If six million Jews--supposedly "god's chosen people"--could not pray their way out of the gas chambers and ovens, suffice it to say that that should be enough evidence to show the non-scientist that prayers don't get answered. I am aware that it is said that "prayer" sometimes seems to make a difference in individual cases of illness but that is a dangerous conclusion to draw. It may be true that human beings possess powers we don't understand and concentration of solemn wishes for an improvement in health by a number of people may somehow translate into some kind of healing energy. But make no mistake, in order for prayer in the traditional judeo-christian sense to be answered, the very laws and constants of physics in nature must be suspended for intervention by a manipulating being. That may not sound like much of a stretch for a believer. But they tend to blot out the rest of the world and see their interest as the center of the cosmos. What if prayers were answered for other people? The laws and constants of physics in nature would constantly be being temporarily suspended for divine intervention. Society would never even exist if constants and natures could not be prevailed upon to indeed be constants and physical laws. The notion of prayer and answers to prayers is what is called "anthropocentrism"--meaning you see yourself or we human beings as the reason the rest of the universe exists. The evidence that this is not so is abundantly clear. The universe has existed three times longer than our solar system has existed. That's at least 8 billion years of other plants, stars, galaxies and whatnot doing whatever they do before the accident happened that caused our sun to come into existence and the plants to congeal around it. It there's a creating god who needs tribute and prayers to stay motivated to care about individual human beings, isn't that a bit long to let things just knock around until people evolved from pond scum? A big enough solar storm could blow the atmosphere of Earth out into space and us with it and the greater universe will not register one iota of care that we came or went. It will go on being what it has been for time beyond our comprehension. Prayer is nothing to anything but the person who engages in it. There just aren't anythings or anyone anywhere to hear much less answer. That's not to say their is nothing potentially positive in the processes of benevolent meditation and solemn invocation of positive energy. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
TheFinalWord Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Has anyone ever had their prayers answered? Have you witnessed any miracles with or without prayer that you believe was the work of god? My life hasnt been well at all the past few months. Ive become much more depressed and miserable. I completly lost myself and I feel i need god the most at this time. Yes, to both. Miracles, the first one I saw was at a youth bible camp. We were out hiking in nature. We hiked about 20 minutes and got to a small grove. The youth pastor said it was a good time to stop for a few minutes and pray. The youth pastor opened the prayer "Lord shower us with your blessings". I kid you not as soon as he said that, thunder cracked, and it poured on us for about 3 seconds, then went right back to sunny and not a cloud in the sky. We were all talking about it for days. Pretty cool. Two other miracles in which God literally saved my life. Maybe I'll share someday. Prayers answered. So many I can't count. I have found when I pray for something big, God may respond with "wait". But to show me He's listening He will answer another prayer. Even small things, like settle a dispute at work or some situation I need help with. When I first got saved I was unemployed and had two people randomly give me money when I needed it. I have witnessed prayers answered many times. I would recommend that you give your life to Jesus Christ. I was into drugs for a long time, had a lot of bitterness and hate. I tried many belief systems, then realized it was still me looking within myself for the truth. Give your life to Christ and get connected to your local church God Bless, I'll pray for you. 6 Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 recently answered prayer? A friend told me to seek St. Joseph's intercession with my job hunt ~ I've pretty much been at the bottom of the barrel, emotionally, having lost 2 good jobs within an 18-month period, thanks to budget cuts. I realize I have it better than most since my husband can provide for us, but psychologically, it really messes with you when you've been gainfully employed since college and believe in being a productive worker. Anyhow, I've been getting some very encouraging communications from an outfit I applied with, for a position very closely related to the kind of work I've done for the past 20 years, so yeah ... I see it as an answer to my prayers. Because it's not really about whether I get this job, but to know that there are these kinds of jobs available in a very limited market in a rural part of the state! other desperate heart-cry was when my mother died. Watching her die and knowing that I'd never have that particular kind of love or friendship again in my life tore me up. Without getting too woo-woo, I got a very specific affirmation from God that this wasn't the case, and while I miss my mom, I realize she was just his human arms and heart to share his love. And that's priceless :love: 9 Link to post Share on other sites
TheFinalWord Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 That is not self defense at all. A soldier does not HAVE to kill, he chooses to. And I have nothing agaisnt soldiers, Im just going along with what your book states. So you are allowed to reference the bible, but when a Christian who has actually studied it does, that is not permissible? I don't think anyone can ever give you a satisfactory response b/c you don't adhere to your own standards. Let me show you why your understanding of the bible is in error: Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
KathyM Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 If six million Jews--supposedly "god's chosen people"--could not pray their way out of the gas chambers and ovens, suffice it to say that that should be enough evidence to show the non-scientist that prayers don't get answered. I am aware that it is said that "prayer" sometimes seems to make a difference in individual cases of illness but that is a dangerous conclusion to draw. It may be true that human beings possess powers we don't understand and concentration of solemn wishes for an improvement in health by a number of people may somehow translate into some kind of healing energy. But make no mistake, in order for prayer in the traditional judeo-christian sense to be answered, the very laws and constants of physics in nature must be suspended for intervention by a manipulating being. That may not sound like much of a stretch for a believer. But they tend to blot out the rest of the world and see their interest as the center of the cosmos. What if prayers were answered for other people? The laws and constants of physics in nature would constantly be being temporarily suspended for divine intervention. Society would never even exist if constants and natures could not be prevailed upon to indeed be constants and physical laws. The notion of prayer and answers to prayers is what is called "anthropocentrism"--meaning you see yourself or we human beings as the reason the rest of the universe exists. The evidence that this is not so is abundantly clear. The universe has existed three times longer than our solar system has existed. That's at least 8 billion years of other plants, stars, galaxies and whatnot doing whatever they do before the accident happened that caused our sun to come into existence and the plants to congeal around it. It there's a creating god who needs tribute and prayers to stay motivated to care about individual human beings, isn't that a bit long to let things just knock around until people evolved from pond scum? A big enough solar storm could blow the atmosphere of Earth out into space and us with it and the greater universe will not register one iota of care that we came or went. It will go on being what it has been for time beyond our comprehension. Prayer is nothing to anything but the person who engages in it. There just aren't anythings or anyone anywhere to hear much less answer. That's not to say their is nothing potentially positive in the processes of benevolent meditation and solemn invocation of positive energy. Jews have rejected God's Son, and the way He has provided to reconcile with Him. For those who have willingly cut themselves off from Him, their prayers will not be answered. That's the cold hard truth. People can't reject God and then expect Him to answer their prayers. God listens to those who are His followers, and to those who have an open heart to Him. And you, Frisky, you disappoint me. Just a couple of weeks ago, when your mother was going through such a difficult medical issue, people sent prayers your way and you were thanking them for their prayers, and hoping that their prayers would be heard. And now you say this? Can't have it both ways. Why is it that some people only turn to God or seriously consider the possibility of His existence when they want His help or they need something from Him? Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 If six million Jews--supposedly "god's chosen people" -- could not pray their way out of the gas chambers and ovens ... how do you know that their prayer was only limited to physical salvation? 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Lobouspo Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Back in high school woke up with weakness on my left side and a eyelid that was so droopy i could not see out of my left eye. Was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis a neuromuscular disease. My neurologist told me to prepare for a life of limited physical activity, no sports, and and medication for the rest of my life. A few months and alot of prayers later, no more meds and no trace of the disease...I was back playing football in August of that year. And no I was not misdiagnosed, my neurologist, had run a battery of tests confirming what I had. 7 Link to post Share on other sites
Lobouspo Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 He doesnt, just like you dont know that it wasnt limited to physical salvation. You choose to believe that because a miracle failed to come up and save millions that it must be a miracle in some other way. The only difference is he can prove that no divine intervention happened to save those peoples lives and prevent thier horrible demise. You cant prove that a miracle happened after that on a non physical level. You just chose to believe it did because there was none physically.[/quote God gives everyone free will, and often times, because of the nature of evil that gift is abused horribly. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Lobouspo Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 How can you have free will when god knows everything? Past present and future means everything that happens is already planned out. By who? Your god. So there is no free will if there is gods plan. The two cant go together at all. You only say its gods plan when something positive happens, and that just doesnt make sense at all. Ahh, but not so....God's plan was for us to live in perfect fellowship and perfect harmony with him, BUT because of free will, we have sin and evil, and consequences of those phenomenons. If we did not have free will, we would all be like mindless robotic clones scurrying around. Also if we did not have tragedy and evil, how could we truly know and appreciate goodness and blessings? 3 Link to post Share on other sites
TheFinalWord Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 He doesnt, just like you dont know that it wasnt limited to physical salvation. You choose to believe that because a miracle failed to come up and save millions that it must be a miracle in some other way. The only difference is he can prove that no divine intervention happened to save those peoples lives and prevent thier horrible demise. You cant prove that a miracle happened after that on a non physical level. You just chose to believe it did because there was none physically. From that horrible act, God answered their prayers and gave them their own land in 1948 (which was predicted in the bible, which I know you don't accept). Read about the war in 1948 and the 6 day war in 1967. Some homework for you, see if you can find a connection between the evil regime of Hitler and the Jews in turn receiving their own country. Miracle? Depends on your perspective. To Christians and Jews it is. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
mercy Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Has anyone ever had their prayers answered? Have you witnessed any miracles with or without prayer that you believe was the work of god? My life hasnt been well at all the past few months. Ive become much more depressed and miserable. I completly lost myself and I feel i need god the most at this time. I have been where you are. Lost. Hopeless. Tired. Completely shattered. A tiny voice within me lets me know I am not alone and the moment I call to Him his voice becomes loud and clear. I am His, surrounded in His love. I pray you are surrounded in His love. Listen for the whisper. I turn to God, joyfully or at my worst. I seek Him, I talk to Him and I feel His love for me as I have never felt anything in my life. At my lowest points to my highest point, I seek Him. Sometimes I find it really hard to focus on Him and not me. It is in those times that I feel Him most. The greatest gift He has ever given me is to know He lives within me. And I am never alone. 7 Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 I typically don't pray for things. I see the purpose of prayer as being the way we align our own spirit and will to God's. Truthfully, many of my prayers have not been answered. But then again I don't ask for really that much. By "much" I mean I don't ask for things related to self-gain. I usually ask God for understanding, to accept certain things, or to make me more like Christ. I'm not a believer in the "name-it-and-claim-it" gospel. The Gospel is more about "take up your cross" than anything and dying to the self. 5 Link to post Share on other sites
SincereOnlineGuy Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Has anyone ever had their prayers answered? Yes!! 40 years ago this coming December one of my prayers was answered. Then there was confusion, and uncertainty, and referees conferring (even before the age of instant replay rules)... but the answered prayer was upheld. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Me and you usually dont agree on things, but what you wrote here I can and do respect. Jesus teachings were never about THINGS, it was about just what you said. This is not hypocrisy because it is exactly what your bible teaches, and you follow it. Im actually glad you said this and would say more christians need to think like this. Cool man. It's too bad, though, that asking God to make us more like Christ is practically a death wish--in a fleshly, non-spiritual sense. Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted August 5, 2012 Share Posted August 5, 2012 Well its waht you said you prayed for that goes along with the teachings. On this particular subject our differences of opinion and beliefes dont matter. You believe it, and if thats what you pray fro then you practice it also. Thats can bring nothing but respect from any beliefe. You didnt say you prayed for a new car, or you prayed for a better job or any other materialistic or meaningless item to Jesus teachings. You prayed for exactly what your beliefe systems wants you to achieve. Look at you. A non-believer who understands the Bible better than at least 50% of Christians. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted August 5, 2012 Share Posted August 5, 2012 Take a look at Jacob and Esau in the book of Genesis. It is written that God said, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." Now take a look at the lives of these two individuals. Esau (the one God hated) had a life filled with wealth and power. God actually granted Esau all of his wishes. However, Jacob (the one God loved) had a life of troubles on nearly all accounts. He was continually beaten down and disciplined by God. I have heard the great pastor Paul Washer say that God's curse on Esau was that "he let Esau be Esau". 2 Link to post Share on other sites
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