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I was just given a "harassment" talk


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This afternoon after the small talk i usually have with 1 of 2 different supervisors/shift managers at my local Starbucks I was told that the way i approached a female worker " she thought you were perhaps hitting on her"


Reflecting I remember Nov 1st or november 2nd before asking her cleaning wipe, while she worked behind the counter I tried to be friendly and asked if she had done anything interesting for halloween,


Literally, " So did you get a chance to do anything interesting for halloween?"


her answer...." no not really"


Me: " may I please get a colorox wipe for my table"...."great thank you"


besides the above and once smiling and saying hello to her 2 weeks ago we have never had any interaction


Is it me? Is it the way I smiled? How i asked her? The way i asked her i also asked her male colleague the same day. ( the other shift manager i more often talk to)


She is: between 24-30?, I have zero interest in her.


I generally try to be as friendly and pleasant as possible, to everyone.


Advice to help me avoid such a situation would be appreciated. This kind of feedback makes me want to

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Some people are just bitter. She may be a Lena Dunham type that will complain if you hit on her or if you don't...


Unfortunately, sexual harassment, like sexual assault is always a he said-she said, and HR types tend to side with the woman most of the time, sucks

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I work in HR and Compliance for a large company.


They will do an investigation because they have to for any complaint. Based on what you said, make sure you relay your tight story to any management who inquires. Don't criticize or bad mouth her to anyone and just avoid her from now on.


Most likely it will be thrown out, because "hitting" on her once without witness is not enough to penalize another employee.


I have seem some women do it for attention (and I am a woman) and some things even go to trial because of some story they created in their head when the evidence did not show harassment.


I know it goes both ways and everything needs to be investigated, but sometimes the person being accused must be given the benefit of the doubt.

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