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Attracted to a younger man at work


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Hi, I’m 23 and I work part-time at a large retail store. Over the last few months, I have unintentionally developed a crush on a younger male co-worker (who is 19). He is very kind, intelligent, considerate and mature for his age. He studies medical science at university, lives out of home with a housemate and is supporting himself financially. His maturity is part of the reason I like him. I feel sexually attracted to him (which I find that a bit strange considering he’s still a teen). Usually, I’m attracted to men older than me. Yet, I can’t help this.


At work, he appears very nervous whenever he talks to me. Sometimes, he seems a little breathless, so I just try to remain relaxed to help him feel comfortable, despite feeling nervous myself. We do talk regularly and have to communicate a lot during shifts, and he always stands so close to me. We’ve had some great conversations about life, too. Just the thought of his personality makes me smile. When we walk past each other, he makes eye contact and smiles at me, then looks down. In the shop, I regularly catch him looking at me, so I just smile. It certainly feels like there’s tension.


Maybe you think I’m immature, but what is your opinion on all of this? Do you think I should ignore my feelings? Would I be stupid to try and pursue something considering we are four years apart? Perhaps I should just go with the flow and give things more time.

Edited by sapphirerose
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I don't see anything wrong with dating him. 4 years is nothing. I'm a woman and when I was 18 I dated a 16 year old. Bad me. Good luck.

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I was expecting a juicy story about someone in their 40-50 attracted to a hot 25 something. This sounds pretty normal. Just do what you would’ve done if he was 25 I guess...

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23 to 19 is only 4 years. Don't worry about it. It's legal, so there isn't anything stopping you really. I doubt there will be any issues with compatibility, you're both young. Larger age gaps (say 28 to 21) are surprisingly common.

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Hi, I’m 23 and I work part-time at a large retail store. Over the last few months, I have unintentionally developed a crush on a younger male co-worker (who is 19). He is very kind, intelligent, considerate and mature for his age. He studies medical science at university, lives out of home with a housemate and is supporting himself financially. His maturity is part of the reason I like him. I feel sexually attracted to him (which I find that a bit strange considering he’s still a teen). Usually, I’m attracted to men older than me. Yet, I can’t help this.


At work, he appears very nervous whenever he talks to me. Sometimes, he seems a little breathless, so I just try to remain relaxed to help him feel comfortable, despite feeling nervous myself. We do talk regularly and have to communicate a lot during shifts, and he always stands so close to me. We’ve had some great conversations about life, too. Just the thought of his personality makes me smile. When we walk past each other, he makes eye contact and smiles at me, then looks down. In the shop, I regularly catch him looking at me, so I just smile. It certainly feels like there’s tension.


Maybe you think I’m immature, but what is your opinion on all of this? Do you think I should ignore my feelings? Would I be stupid to try and pursue something considering we are four years apart? Perhaps I should just go with the flow and give things more time.


4 years difference in age is nothing of course he's a older teen not 20 or 21 yet you still early yourself at 23. By 25 your considered adult. If you really like each other then leave a small crack so he can ask you out. Right now your at work not much you two can do smiles, winks, little nods an etc. Since your older you might have to move in and make him ask you out. If you want too. But you should anyway because he's not there yet. Sounds like he likes you too.

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Do you think I should ignore my feelings? Would I be stupid to try and pursue something considering we are four years apart? Perhaps I should just go with the flow and give things more time.
It sounds like you two have plenty of mutual interest and attraction to date :)


I would suggest you get direct with him. Tell him you're looking forward to him asking you out.


He sounds somewhat shy and seems to think you're a catch. He may wonder if he's too young for you to be interested, so let him know you are. It's 2018 - you can prompt him a bit.

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I dated 19 year olds when I was 24.....have at'r hun. You are two people who are attracted to each other...how can age stop you? He's not in high school, he's in uni, and has his s&*^ together. That's what is important....now go for it.




If there is a side of him that is too immature for you, just break it off....no harm no foul.

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OMG, go for it.


A mature 19 year old ... totally legit.


He's in school and working ... and supporting himself ... and gets NERVOUS around you ... all good signs.


You might have to take the lead here ... as he may not feel confident about asking out a 23 year old.


I was about to say, "ask him out for a drink?" ... But he isn't legal for drinking. Still ask him out for a drink or something ... He can eat fries and have a coke.

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I dated 19 year olds when I was 24.....have at'r hun. You are two people who are attracted to each other...how can age stop you? He's not in high school, he's in uni, and has his s&*^ together. That's what is important....now go for it.




If there is a side of him that is too immature for you, just break it off....no harm no foul.


That's not "dating." :laugh:

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I would step very very VERY lively with this. It's not a good idea to get involved with people you work with in general. You're working in a retail store where the turnover rate is high and hours people work are not of a typical 9-5 job. If you are working at a more typical job full or part time, then stay away from them as much as possible. Just be polite. Be nice, not too nice. Be clinically detached from them.


And coworkers / management does not like it when two employees date each other or even become friendly, it makes for odd relationships inside the place of work.


Just keep this in mind for this and all future jobs you will have.

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