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If someone of the opposite sex smiles at you in the street, is it wrong to smile back

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Or is that a flirt?

I have a few issues with my husband recently. He says that if a woman smiles then he isn't going to assume it's flirty and he's going to respond as a human being and smile back. I feel that if a young woman is smiling at my husband then it's a flirt and if he smiles back she will take it that he's flirting back. I'd just rather he didn't even respond.

How do you cope with your other half smiling at members of the opposite sex when they smile? Do you think it's always a flirting gesture to smile at opposite sex of approximately the same age? I can't imagine smiling at a guy unless i thought he was hot.

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You can smile back and then turn around and go about your day and that is not flirting.


You can smile and stare as they stare back and that can be considered flirting.

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I don't mind tbh. When people smile at either of us, we tend to reciprocate with a big grin :D and a thumbs up (y). I think it's harmless, unless said partner reciprocates with a wink and a "come hither" gesture, it shouldn't cause problems.

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Tabatha1000 ... Most smiles are started by other smiles....

It's a way of showing friendliness in just one place.

Why is the word 'smile' so peculiar? - Because two 's' are separated by a mile, but it brings people closer together.

It's the one facial gesture that is common to every single nationality on the planet.


I smile at people all the time.

Really, all the time.

people must think I'm on something.


It's an endearing quality that makes people look - and feel nicer.

Why don't you smile at them too?

It shows a pleasant solidarity and a kind nature.

And diffuses any intention (Conscious or otherwise) of the intended flirt.

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