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It's time...

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Some of you have followed my story here. My divorce is about to be final tomorrow. However, it's a very strange situation. My husband of 13 years wanted me to file bankruptcy...alone...to preserve his credit so ONE of us could get cars and a lease etc. The debt was mutually accrued. So, he encouraged me to file and then also legally separate/divorce (same in my state) so that he could be free of the ramifications. It's complicated...but that's what he thought I was doing.



He soon found out that when I was filing...I was filing DIVORCE and that it was not for the motions...it was real. He freaked out and said that he didn't realize the power of what was happening and that he was shocked I was really divorcing him. He said that he had "no idea' it would be the same thing. Thought we would just "separate"....he even went and got an apartment to show the cost of that other place to the courts.



So, now tomorrow it's my real hearing. I'm truly divorcing. He's not coming He's in denial. Says he's sorry and wants me to just "work things out" for the sake of our son.



I'm thinking that anyone who is saying all of that to me...is not worth my time. Am I right?

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No-one has ever been more right than you right here, right now.


This is the right course of action for you.


You've already made your mistakes by listening to him and marrying him in the first place. Getting away from him and living your own life by your own moral compass will be the be decision and the best course of action you have ever taken.


Quit doubting yourself so much.

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He had plenty of time to 'work things out'. Enjoy time alone and with your son, and get your financial ducks in a row. It's a fresh start.

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He has all along seemed more interested in the financial aspects than the emotional ones. How surprising he chose you for BK, leaving (he thought) his credit whole. Hope you continue to see through his attempts to manipulate you...


Mr. Lucky

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I went through with it but I have not told him to get out of the house yet. He still thinks it is all arouse for the bankruptcy. He doesn't know I haven't filed bankruptcy.


I am working to get the strength to break it to him. It's not going to be easy for me to stay strong.


Crazy. We are divorced. And living as if all is fine. At least he is.


Part of me wants to move out and get an apartment to just get away. I want free of this. I hope I don't lose my strength.

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