Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 no argument from me here. i fully accept the evolutionary position. it is clear that animals have evolved. however it is not clear that man has evolved from them. there is no hard and fast evidence that man has evolved from apes. that link is missing and anyone who claims that humans evolved from other species is guessing. if there is proof show it to me. You are right, there is no direct evidence but there is evolutionary mutations that support the theory, and that provides better evidence than faith, something humans conjured up. Do you think the leg and arm structures that exists in Basilosaurus and other similar mammals have the same components that make the human limbs. Oh! it's just a mere coincidence that these so called fish have fingers, femurs, wrists, that closes resemble that of humans. Hmmm.... Humans are tetrapods, and like other tetrapods we share with them the same evolved bone and limb structure. Wow, what a coincidence that so many other animals share the same physiology as us. Do a little reasearch and it may just open your eyes to what is really happening. Religion is outdated, time for the truth about who we are and where we come from to be understood. If we don't find it now, then I am convinced that our future ancestors will show once again that humans come from the same processes that animal life was derived from. It's funny how relgion and the church keep changing their postions on all of this, first they say there is no such thing as evolution, dinosaurs did not exists at the time scientists suggest they did, and now they are agreeing with these findings and trying to put a religious twist on it. Nonsense! P.S...You are correct about the missing link, but give it time and I'm convinced this evidence will be found as well, it is a certainty. Cheers! Link to post Share on other sites
Love Hurts Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 The Character of Men in the Last Days… Is your character listed here? 3This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 The Character of Men in the Last Days… Is your character listed here? 3This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. These are the connotations of someone who is truly brainwashed. I hope this is a sarcastic post. People have been saying these are the last days of man for century's, yet the world still carry's on it's business. The only end of mankind is going to be either ignorance and self destruction, or a force of nature we cannot yet control. D'oh Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh I'm scared. Not. I cannot stand holy rollers, they are worse than terrorists and murders. Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 These are the connotations of someone who is truly brainwashed. I hope this is a sarcastic post. People have been saying these are the last days of man for century's, yet the world still carry's on it's business. The only end of mankind is going to be either ignorance and self destruction, or a force of nature we cannot yet control. D'oh To each their own right? You have said so yourself. IMO, that list listed above speaks of the ignorance of mankind. I guess that we will all know the truth when we are dead. Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 I guess that we will all know the truth when we are dead. That is one sure fire way of finding out. Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 That is one sure fire way of finding out. Thats my point. Why have all these religious debates that sometimes can turn into heated arguements, when IMHO, we will never have any valid proof about the beginning of life and mankind until we are dead. Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Thats my point. Why have all these religious debates that sometimes can turn into heated arguements, when IMHO, we will never have any valid proof about the beginning of life and mankind until we are dead. You can't really say that for sure though, people once thought space travel was impossible, what's to say we won't find out more about our origin in the future? Debating does not have to turn into arguments, it's fundamental objective is to allow us to deduce some possible answers while providing ideas and opinions. Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 You can't really say that for sure though, people once thought space travel was impossible, what's to say we won't find out more about our origin in the future? Debating does not have to turn into arguments, it's fundamental objective is to allow us to deduce some possible answers while providing ideas and opinions. What I meant by valid, I meant finding proof that everyone will agree on. I don't ever seeing the entire worlds population agreeing on where we all came from. Debating never has to turn into arguing, but sometimes it does, but what can you do, except to stay out of it. Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 What I meant by valid, I meant finding proof that everyone will agree on. I don't ever seeing the entire worlds population agreeing on where we all came from. Debating never has to turn into arguing, but sometimes it does, but what can you do, except to stay out of it. That's true, usually it takes a some time for something big to be proven and for it to sink in. Link to post Share on other sites
lonelybird Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 [FONT="]With this evidence, we also know that whales and dolphins were once land animals that evolved into the water over millions of years. [/FONT] I've heard humanity improved along the history, but I didn't heard animal are becoming more loving, and caring..... Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 I've heard humanity improved along the history, but I didn't heard animal are becoming more loving, and caring..... Take a closer look at the behaviour of Dolphins, you would be suprised at their intelligence. Link to post Share on other sites
lonelybird Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 First, I want to say I don't want to force any of YOU to accept or vote mine "religion" in a bit, just share some personal thought here. Last midnight I woke up, then I believed Lord shew me something in my spirit. I've heard a pastor talked about spiritual eyes, and nature eyes (or flesh eyes). After Eve ate the forbidden fruit by following Satan's advise, the spiritual eyes were shut down, the nature eyes were opened. Spiritual eyes: look on God, connect with God. spiritual eyes can see only lightness, love, trust, and they didn't worry a bit before the nature eyes open Natural eyes: the eyes we now have. we look the world in natural way. natural eyes see fear, disappointed, untrust, own desires, no hope, disconnect with God. when undesirable thing happen, people only see thing in natural way, lost hope very quickly So in the Bible Jesus said "blind (only natural eyes, spiritual eyes shut down) lead blind will fall into pit". for example: sexual desire. if people let the sexual desire lead them, where they will go? except of bunch of sex adventure, and ecstasy on the spot, what left? But sexual desire is a Gift from God, HE want us to enjoy it. but we should let the spiritual eyes lead us to fullfil it. That's why when people love each other so much, the sex is not only sex. it will be so fullfilled. another example: appetite. if people let the appetite lead them, probably they will get biger and bigger, not good for health. So let the spiritual lead us, not only our basic needs will be fullfilled, but in a wonderful way. So after Satan cheated people, human being shut down their spiritual eyes, so suffer, fear, untrust came, and human being living in a dark world. Link to post Share on other sites
lonelybird Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Take a closer look at the behaviour of Dolphins, you would be suprised at their intelligence. I agree with you. they are lovely I love dogs Link to post Share on other sites
lonelybird Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 About unanswered prayers I had some experience on this. Sometimes we pray for something not really good for us in long term sense. sometimes we want the thing we pray happen instantly. we want God do things for us according to our agenda, not HIS. so before the prayer answered we give up on God quickly. long time ago I prayed God give a man I liked, ya, but things did not work out between he and I. so I complained, anger, thought God failed me. so I quited, and decided go my own way. but after a while I found out a little by little that I was in a emotional abusive relationship, and I DIDN'T know it. even so I did not return to God. But later God's mercy gave me a Second chance, let me see that I could live a more joyful life. God is patient and gave you many chances. But don't wait until God's patience wear out. Link to post Share on other sites
Love Hurts Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh I'm scared. Not. Satan god of this world: he wants you body and soul. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to *destroy both *soul and *body in hell. (Matthew 10:28) There is your god... to fear... Link to post Share on other sites
bluetuesday Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 It's funny how relgion and the church keep changing their postions on all of this, first they say there is no such thing as evolution, dinosaurs did not exists at the time scientists suggest they did, and now they are agreeing with these findings and trying to put a religious twist on it. Nonsense! P.S...You are correct about the missing link, but give it time and I'm convinced this evidence will be found as well, it is a certainty. i also mistrust religion so you'll get no argument from me on that score either - but i have never believed that evolution are religion are opposing either/or arguments. that sort of black and white view does not belong in intelligent thinking, which is why you'll find it only in those institutions which leave their brains at the door. i think it's quite clear that animals have evolved and the evidence is all around us. but i don't think it's at all clear that humans are animals or evolve in the same way. the evidence is not all around us and from a position of common sense if nothing else, we surpass animals by so great a degree that you have to wonder if there isn't something else going on. we're unique in nature because we're masters of our environment. no animal seems to have that capacity except us. you gotta wonder why!! and not speaking personally about you, but in general terms, the viewpoint that god cannot exist and therefore we have to make scientific discovery fit around it is as barmy as the opposing view that the earth was created in six days. i tend to think we share certain biological similarities with animals (such as the way our limbs are formed) because we all live on the same planet. it is not a coincidence, we just have what works best and so do they. that makes no assumption that we too must have evolved. it is surely an option that animals have developed in the way that best aids their survival on earth, and man has been created in a way which suits this planet best, with the results showing similarities. looking at what man can achieve, even at our ability to comprehend the concepts within this conversation, i cannot believe that you, rooster, evolved from an ape. i am certain that the incredibly intricate and miraculous brain you have, one that far surpasses its animal contemporaries and dwarfs everything man can even conceive of creating, was designed by a higher power. to me, as crazy as that situation sounds, it doesn't sound as insane as the alternative. YOU are the proof of god to me. the evidence of a higher power is in you and everything you think, in your very ability to do so. did you evolve from an ape to be this miracle? i don't believe it for a moment. however, this conversation proves you are also certain of something there is no proof for. so we are more alike than different. what's the difference if you call it science and i call it god? your religion is science, that's all. not a knock my friend, i know what it is to be unable to prove something you know is true. but let's call it what it is. there is no shame in having faith in something. it's an entirely positive way to live and every person on the planet has faith in many things they cannot prove. now be nice to the fundamental christians. they're slightly odd but they're people too! (discuss) Link to post Share on other sites
Love Hurts Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Atheist. Don't care for religion. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:33 Link to post Share on other sites
Asafan Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 God is a concept by which we measure our pain. - John Lennon. Link to post Share on other sites
Love Hurts Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Take a closer look at the behaviour of Dolphins, you would be suprised at their intelligence. Even animals can go to Heaven. We can pray our beloved pets there. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:13) It is not to ask amiss… to pray for your animal to go to Heaven. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. (James 4:3) God gave them to us to love. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14) Ask through prayer that your loved animal will go to Heaven and it will. Link to post Share on other sites
bluetuesday Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Ask through prayer that your loved animal will go to Heaven and it will. sorry, no it won't. heaven is the state of consciousness of spiritual beings who have ascended their ties to the material realm. animals don't have what you would call an individual soul that survives death. they have part of a collective soul which cannot on an individual basis ascend to heaven. Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 30, 2007 Share Posted January 30, 2007 i think it's quite clear that animals have evolved and the evidence is all around us. but i don't think it's at all clear that humans are animals or evolve in the same way. the evidence is not all around us and from a position of common sense if nothing else You have some very good observations and your opinions are intelligent ones. One thing to note here though, there are many ancestors leading up to modern humans, and the intelligence levels of these hominids does show there was a gradual increase in brain size, and the evidence also shows in their lifestyles. Neanderthal is just one on this chain, and they had reasonable intelligence, they created tools (very primitive), some buried their dead, but they did not harbor the intelligence to go beyond certain congnitive abilities. Some other early ancestors made beads, which suggest creativity that modern humans have mastered. This is very good evidence that we evolved thousands and perhaps millions of years. The crucial link is still missing I agree, but we need to look at these early ancestors, they are speaking to us from the grave. Good post BTW! Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeadlegs Posted January 30, 2007 Share Posted January 30, 2007 I was baptized as Presbyterian, raised with no religion at all (Father is agnostic, mother is a Christian), attended many services, masses, and once went to Temple, with denominations such as Baptist, Church of The Nazarene, Lutheran. Methodist, Catholic, Quaker, Pentacostal. I'm sure I have left some out. I consider my beliefs to be liberal Christian, but I don't attend church and don't really practice any religion at all. does it really matter what religion everyone is? does not that just add one more thing that seperates everyone. you may as well just ask how much money everyone makes or how big their feet are. Personal income = $0, Shoe size 9 US 40 UK What colour underpants are you wearing? Black and cream in an animal print I cannot identify properly. I;m the leader of a cult that worships me and passes out flowers in the streets... All Hail The Self Proclaimed Horniest Man Alive? Now where are my flowers? Link to post Share on other sites
VinaAmez Posted January 30, 2007 Share Posted January 30, 2007 Ask through prayer that your loved animal will go to Heaven and it will. Okay...what makes you think that? There is this animal burial place near us and I can't help but wonder why someone would pay money for something like that. There are flowers and everything. Put them in a shoe box. Cheap and easy. Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster_DAR Posted January 30, 2007 Share Posted January 30, 2007 Okay...what makes you think that? There is this animal burial place near us and I can't help but wonder why someone would pay money for something like that. There are flowers and everything. Put them in a shoe box. Cheap and easy. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Link to post Share on other sites
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