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Oops...I forgot her birthday

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I feel like such an idiot. Yesterday was my girlfriend's birthday and I completely forgot. I had made plans to go out with my buddies for happy hour, I could see she wasnt real thrilled about that but I wasn't sure why. I came home a little drunk and bragging about how great it was to hang with the boys. She said great, and then told me she had a great time celebrating her birthday by herself.


She then slapped me across the face. First time that ever happened to me.


Then she went into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. We havent spoken since. Needless to say, I slept on the couch last night and probably will tonight. What should I do?

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While I think it was bad of you to forget her birthday, I think it was extremely WRONG of her to slap you across the face. Wrong, wrong wrong. In my opinion, that's more wrong than you forgetting her birthday. Does this girl have a temper? She sounds a little immature to me. Assault is assault and there's no justification for that. I'm sorry she did that to you.


So I take you two live together.


How long have you been dating for? Is this the first birthday that you two have been together for? (her birthday)


I really don't know what to suggest you do. It seems to me that it's sort of a little too late. Anything you do now for her now, for her birthday, won't really mean much....she'll think you're doing it ONLY because you feel guilty. Having someone remember your birthday is as important as a gift, I think.


You two need to talk. But maybe now is not a good time. You know her better than we do. Is she someone who likes to be left alone when she's upset/angry?


HOpefully someone has some better advice. I still think no matter what, she owes you an apology for slapping you. I hope that's not a sign of her having an anger problem......that she's got the potential to be rather physically abusive when she doesn't get what she wants.



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Yes it is not so good to forget your woman's birthday, but she should be a little more understanding. You are only human. She had no right to slap you across the face, that is one of the biggest ways to disprespect a person. You definitley should appologize to her but also ask for an apology in return. She had no right to slap you.. but she did to want to be alone. Try to make a day just for her. Take her to her favorite resaraunt or hotel ;) Make it up to her in the best way you know how. It'll all be okay.

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If this is what you have to look forward to in the years ahead with this babe, dump her now and avoid the rush.


She is immature, spoiled, self-centered, etc.


I'm sure she could have given you a mild guilt trip and motivated you to make up this oversight to her in some very special way.


Don't even celebrate her birthday at all. Just get her out of your life as soon as possible. Life is way to short to have someone close to you who thinks only of herself.


Celebrate your freedom from someone who could be serious trouble for your life ahead.

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