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Ex girlfriend goes wild in Lake Havasu, PLEASE READ

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I know this is kind of long but please read, its sort of entertaining I guess, but I really need some good advice.


I just need to let this out to other people besides my friends, who I'm sure are sick of hearing about it. My ex broke up with me a month and a half ago. We have remained on the friends level ever since with things sometimes warming up between us and somtimes getting colder. Three weeks after we broke up she takes a trip to Lake Havasu with some of our mutual friends. I was not invited because everyone thought that it would be too weird with us both there at the same time and problems might arise. They said I could go in a couple weeks when they went back. As if having your friends (who I've been friends with longer than she has!) choose her over me isn't bad enough, things were about to get alot worse! Read on friends!


Well this trip took place a couple of weeks ago, but a couple of days ago my friends girlfriend, who is bestfriends with my ex(I know this might be confusing), approached me with a CD fulll of pictures from the trip. She told me that she felt that I should see them because I have the right to know what went on during the trip. Stay with me here folks because this story is going to get alot more interesting as we go.


So I take a look at these pictures with my buddy and his girlfriend and HOLY F@#CKIN ****!!!! I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. Here in front of me on the computer screen was picture after fu@#in picture of my ex being the biggest fu@#in hoar!!! She's flashin her tits for the camera, havin dudes (not our friends) suckin on her fu@#in boobs, dudes grabin her ass, her makin out with other girls, her suckin on other girls special no no parts, havin dudes lickin her special place ,and this is the best ****in part in one picture she is three way kissing with a girl and another guy who is supposed to be MY FRIEND!!! I"M GONNA KILL THIS GUY!!! This guy is also the one who took most of these pictures I found out. WHAT THE ****!!!! It was like girls gone wild.


Now people tell me that this isn't the most f@cked up thing ever. As I was looking at this I was shaking the whole time about to friggen go to her house and strangle her. Not to mention my great buddy who is the camera man behind this whole deal. My friend (not the one who is kissing my ex or took the pictures) told me that all that is shown in the pictures is as bad as it got. Of course I don't believe him because who knows what happened when the camera was off. He also said that she feels really stupid and bad for the way that she acted when she was so drunk. I haven't talked to her since I viewed the pictures and I don't want to ever again, she digusts me.


Anyways I am so confused, mad, sad, pissed off that I am finding it difficult to even organize my thoughts as I write this. I know that we are broken up and if she wants to be a slut then that is her business, but don't do it around my friends and disrespect me like that. And as for the guy in the three way kiss, he is dead meat next time I see him. How can a girl who you had a great relationship with for almost a year have no respect for me all of a sudden and not give two ****s about me. It's not like I ever screwed her over! I would never do this to an ex that I ever once truly cared about. She was the most beautiful person to me inside and out, but now she is dirt to me. These actions are not like her at all and being drunk is no excuse.


Now I need advice on what to do about the whole situation. Obviously we cannot remain freinds any more because I have lost all repect for her that I ever had. But now I have a copy of these pictures that I could totally screw her over by say, showing her Mom them or somthing like that . This girl is 19 by the way, I am 23. I know the mature thing to do here would be to just let go and never talk to her again but I need some kind of retribution for all of this. It's just wrong on so many levels. I hope you guys can appreciate the craziness of this situation and give me advice on how to use these pictures against her. I want to ****in ruin her!!! I've already shown them to all of my friends who know her, and the word is getting passed around our social groups about her slutiness and disrepect for me and herself. But I feel that I have so much leverage over her now with these pictures in my possesion.



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Get rid of the CD/the pics. Ignore her/them.

Looks to me like your ex and your 'friend' conspired to make this and be sure you got a copy.

From where I'm sitting it looks like a thing they cooked up between them to get to you.

Don't anything stupid like assaulting anyone and getting your butt thrown in county. Just walk away. She has shown herself for what she really is, do you REALLY want to be associated with a person like that? I know I wouldn't.

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She was having fun. You are not her moral police. You are no longer dating-you have no say in her life. I know you're hurt because she broke up with you-and it's not in the best taste to have drunken sex pictures of you floating around.


The fact that you are now calling her a slut and telling everyone shows that you're still really p*ssed off at her for dumping you. Perhaps you should try to exhibit mature behaviour even if you feel she's not.

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Ok, first off, I can understand you being upset and angry about your ex's behavior. I would be too if I were in your shoes. But on the other hand, she's your ex and she's free to do what she wants. Also, keep in mind that she's probably hurting from the break-up as well and girls tend to have a short wild phase after they break up with someone. Add to that the fact that's she's only 19 and it's not surprising she went nuts in Havasu.


If you can get some distance from all this, try to view it as a learning experience. I know it sounds lame when put like that, but at least you can more clearly see the type of people your ex and friends (ex-friends?) are now. It's always good to finally see a person's true colors, painful as it may be.


As for "ruining her", the only way you could do that with those pics was if she were running for Congress or in the Miss America pageant. You could put them up online or distribute them if you want, but honestly, you'll just look like the pathetic ex-bf. Do you really want to be that guy? People talk and she already hurt her own reputation by those acts. IMHO, I think your best bet is to just cut off contact with her, and go on living your own life. That's better revenge than any attempt to "ruin her".


As for your guy friends, try not to do anything that will land you in jail.


I say, just cut your losses and find a better class of girl to date.

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:eek: That's horrifying and I am so sorry for you.


Tanbark's on to something. And DON'T do anything that could get you locked up or slapped with a bunch of fines, she's simply not worth it. She does sound like a whore and it's a shame. I'm sure you're glad to see her true colors though. I think you need to also reevaluate your friends. These are not friends. These people have intentionally hurt you. Get over her and don't even THINK about showing that trash to her parents. That'd be as low as you could go.


Let her go and know she's a ho.


Good luck. Hopefully you'll find a REAL woman.

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You don't want to get dragged down by her. In times like this, you should take the high road. People already knew what she did, there's no point advertising it. Doing so would just ruin your reputation. And you don't want that. You don't want to be known as a vengeful ex.

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Thanks for all of the good advice guys I appreciate it. When your really pissed and hurt by somthing we tend to not be able to think clearly about the situations that we are in. You guys have helped me to realize that by trying to get even with her, I would only be looking like a weak individual. I'm better than that. I am going to go home and destroy the evidence and forget about it. Movin on with life...

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Originally posted by dugs

...So I take a look at these pictures with my buddy and his girlfriend and HOLY F@#CKIN ****!!!! I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. Here in front of me on the computer screen was picture after fu@#in picture of my ex being the biggest fu@#in hoar!!! She's flashin her tits for the camera, havin dudes (not our friends) suckin on her fu@#in boobs, dudes grabin her ass, her makin out with other girls, her suckin on other girls special no no parts, havin dudes lickin her special place ,and this is the best ****in part in one picture she is three way kissing with a girl and another guy who is supposed to be MY FRIEND!!! I"M GONNA KILL THIS GUY!!! This guy is also the one who took most of these pictures I found out. WHAT THE ****!!!! It was like girls gone wild.


Don't take all of your anger out on the friend that kissed your ex, or took the photos. Your ex had to be involved somehow by her own choice for any of this to have ever happened. You have a right to express your anger with him over the fact that she is your ex, and you believe he should have known to keep his distance. Such thinking does not come naturally to everyone, however, and she IS your ex. Again, SHE is the one who is responsible for her actions.


Now people tell me that this isn't the most f@cked up thing ever.


I've actually had far worse happen to me involving friends, exes, threesomes with friends and exes, and much, much worse. But yes, this is not a good situation for you to be in.


As I was looking at this I was shaking the whole time about to friggen go to her house and strangle her. Not to mention my great buddy who is the camera man behind this whole deal. My friend (not the one who is kissing my ex or took the pictures) told me that all that is shown in the pictures is as bad as it got. Of course I don't believe him because who knows what happened when the camera was off. He also said that she feels really stupid and bad for the way that she acted when she was so drunk. I haven't talked to her since I viewed the pictures and I don't want to ever again, she digusts me.


Well, I suppose it's best not to want to talk to her any longer. So far as what happened with her and your friend, violence won't solve anything. Additionally, if she wanted to do that with him he isn't entirely to blame, and she is your ex. You still have the right to explain to him that you value your friendship with him, and you do not feel comfortable with him being involved in "that way" with your ex. Still, the decision isn't up to you in the end, which hurts.


Anyways I am so confused, mad, sad, pissed off that I am finding it difficult to even organize my thoughts as I write this. I know that we are broken up and if she wants to be a slut then that is her business, but don't do it around my friends and disrespect me like that. And as for the guy in the three way kiss, he is dead meat next time I see him.


Very bad. Don't get yourself into legal problems because of something like this. Threats of physical harm are illegal enough. Actually inflicting damage on your friend would leave you, yourself, with serious repurcussions should he decide to get the police involved. I don't think it's worth it, and I've been in many similar situations.


What about the other GIRL in the three way kiss? Going to kill her as well? Trust me, it isn't worth it. Scream at him all you want, but don't threaten to harm or actually harm.


How can a girl who you had a great relationship with for almost a year have no respect for me all of a sudden and not give two ****s about me. It's not like I ever screwed her over! I would never do this to an ex that I ever once truly cared about. She was the most beautiful person to me inside and out, but now she is dirt to me. These actions are not like her at all and being drunk is no excuse.


Being your ex, she most likely does not go about and hesitate before every action she takes, thinking, "Will this hurt my ex if I do this?" She is going to do what she is going to do, and as much as this stinks you have no control over it.


Now I need advice on what to do about the whole situation. Obviously we cannot remain freinds any more because I have lost all repect for her that I ever had. But now I have a copy of these pictures that I could totally screw her over by say, showing her Mom them or somthing like that .


Blackmailing is illegal, you know. Additionally, using photographs of that nature in an attempt to harass another is also highly illegal.


This girl is 19 by the way, I am 23. I know the mature thing to do here would be to just let go and never talk to her again but I need some kind of retribution for all of this.


You really don't need retribution or revenge. Risks are too high, and it isn't the right thing to do. This girl is young and doesn't know what she wants. I personally stay away from women that young, and I am only twenty two.


It's just wrong on so many levels.


I can somewhat agree, but it is her choice and her body. She unfortunately has the right to do things that people are going to disagree with.


I hope you guys can appreciate the craziness of this situation and give me advice on how to use these pictures against her. I want to ****in ruin her!!! I've already shown them to all of my friends who know her, and the word is getting passed around our social groups about her slutiness and disrepect for me and herself. But I feel that I have so much leverage over her now with these pictures in my possesion.




I don't advise you to do anything or take any form of revenge here. Her own irresponsibility and lack of self-respect will be her own downfall. I'd recommend destroying those photos as well. Any time I have ever been in a similar situation and tried to get revenge, things just got so much worse.

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Yeah, faux and everyone else are right, bro...


It's definitely not cool, but you have to look at it like she isn't the same girl that you fell in love with, and she's not the same girl who is in love with you, anymore. She's changed... and unfortunately, her way of thinking is different. These actions show that you are not a priority in her way of thinking anymore, so you just have to suck it up and let it be.


I feel for you though, it feels like you've been betrayed by someone that you thought you could trust forever... I know how that feels.

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Originally posted by dugs


Well this trip took place a couple of weeks ago, but a couple of days ago my friends girlfriend, who is bestfriends with my ex(I know this might be confusing), approached me with a CD fulll of pictures from the trip. She told me that she felt that I should see them because I have the right to know what went on during the trip.


Either this girl and your ex 'conspired, as aFighter suggested, or your ex is really bad as choosing friends. If they decided they'd show you the pics this stupid way just to tease you, then be glad you broke up with her because she is immature, stupid and it was a really mean behaviour. If your ex does not know her supposedly best friend showed you the pics, then her best friend is just a stupid troublemaker.


It must have hurt a lot looking at those pics. I feel for you. It is very understandable you don't wish to be friends with her anymore.

Unfortunately, she is no longer your girlfriend. You have every right to *feel* hurt, to feel bad, to be upset, but there is not a lot you can do about it. she is your ex, not your girlfriend, and you have no businness what she decides to do on vacation. The only good thing about this is that probably you'll end up getting over her sooner.


He also said that she feels really stupid and bad for the way that she acted when she was so drunk. I haven't talked to her since I viewed the pictures and I don't want to ever again, she digusts me.


It is a very understandable choice, and you have every right to decide you don't want to talk to her again. I guess I'd feel totally disrespected and mad, too.


And as for the guy in the three way kiss, he is dead meat next time I see him.


Forget this. Don't take your anger out on him. Trying to hurt him physically will only mean legal consequences for you. Break the friendship if you feel like it, don't talk to him ever again if it will make you feel better, but avoid violence.

Faux gave you *excellent* advice. I agree with everything he wrote in his post.


Now I need advice on what to do about the whole situation. Obviously we cannot remain freinds any more because I have lost all repect for her that I ever had. But now I have a copy of these pictures that I could totally screw her over by say, showing her Mom them or somthing like that .


Forget it. Don't you ever think about it.


This girl is 19 by the way, I am 23. I know the mature thing to do here would be to just let go and never talk to her again but I need some kind of retribution for all of this.


It's too late for you to act mature, but yes you should definitely let go.


You don't really need retribution.

She was NOT your girlfriend.

She was your EX. All of this did NOT happen while you were together. You broke up a month and half ago. Yes, she could have avoided acting that way in front of your friends.

But it is not really like she *should*have avoided such behaviour, it would have been nice and considerate of her to avoid it, but that's all. She has every right to do *whatever she likes*, including acting in a porn flick if she feels like it.

If you had already moved on with your life and already had a new girlfriend you would not have been touched by the pics.

Besides you already had your retribution:


I've already shown them to all of my friends who know her, and the word is getting passed around our social groups about her slutiness and disrepect for me and herself.


and allow me to tell you, you really acted like a vermin. You should have never done anything like this for whatever reason. You had no right to. She has probably behaved badly, but what you did was *way* worse.

I don't really understand why idiotic best friend of your ex allowed you to keep a copy of the pics in first place.

It was stupid and immature to show those pictures around.


I guess both of you have now evidence that you were not the right person for each other.


Try to move on. After what has happened perhaps at least it will be easier.

And destroy those pics, they are no good to you.

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