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Nine signs that she's just not that into you....for the BOYZ!


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1. She says: "I'm not ready for a relationship."


2. You're always the one calling her and/or she rarely return your phone calls.


3. She avoids eye contact and physical closeness.


4. She mentions other guys she finds "hot" or attractive.


5. She tries to set you up with one of her female friends.


6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes or find you funny.


7. She is always vague about making plans.


8. She regularly cancels plans with you.


9. Her description of the perfect dude sounds nothing like you.

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wooooo!! that clears up a lot!


just thought they (all of them) were playing hard to get ;)

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I can add a couple...


10. You are always doing things for her and she does nothing for you.


11. When she needs you, you are the best, other times you are a nuisance.


12. She never calls YOU.


13. She won't do things alone with you. Always has to have other people around.


14. She says that she needs "space."


I am interested to see what other guys have to add!

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omg - this is so the girl i've been dating. Just wish our dates werent months in between ... well date... theres only been one.... but i'm optimistic!

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What would you be optimistic about, Dasani?



Let that girl GO!

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Originally posted by CurvyGurl

What would you be optimistic about, Dasani?



Let that girl GO!


in the words of a famous canine... "I KID! I KID!"

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18. Dresses up, puts on makeup and looks smoking hot... for everyone but you. Never, ever goes out of her way to dress up, or fix up for you: ever.

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Whoaa.... information overload!... the list won't end, but IMHO, you get any ONE of these below, you should probably quit wasting your time :)


Originally posted by alphamale

1. She says: "I'm not ready for a relationship."


2. You're always the one calling her and/or she rarely return your phone calls.


3. She avoids eye contact and physical closeness.



5. She tries to set you up with one of her female friends.


Originally posted by ggallin13


12. She never calls YOU.



14. She says that she needs "space."


Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

18. Dresses up, puts on makeup and looks smoking hot... for everyone but you. Never, ever goes out of her way to dress up, or fix up for you: ever.

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Originally posted by scratch

17. Won't kiss you.

I think the list this should be on is...."Signs that She finds you repulsive"

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The only visits she pays you are for booty calls. Other than sex, you're chopped liver.

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Originally posted by morrigan

The only visits she pays you are for booty calls. Other than sex, you're chopped liver.


a LOT of guys wouldn't mind that... :D

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Originally posted by elijahBailey

a LOT of guys wouldn't mind that... :D


Agreed, but there have been posts on LS by guys in the past about this. :)

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20. She doesn't follow your lead


21. You have to work to get her attention


22. She forces you to keep the conversation going


23. She looks around the room, or at her watch


24. She avoids intimacy with you

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25. Doesn't get upset when you tell her you've been hitting on other chicks.


26. Says she's going to the bathroom, then never comes back.


27. Calls the cops on you just for hanging around outside her place.


28. Conveniently has some other guy over whenever you come to visit.


29. Doesn't stop her dog from chasing you and trying to bite you.


30 Sprays mace in your face.



Of course, these can also be signs that you just need to try harder.

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Originally posted by johan

25. Doesn't get upset when you tell her you've been hitting on other chicks.


26. Says she's going to the bathroom, then never comes back.


27. Calls the cops on you just for hanging around outside her place.


28. Conveniently has some other guy over whenever you come to visit.


29. Doesn't stop her dog from chasing you and trying to bite you.


30 Sprays mace in your face.



Of course, these can also be signs that you just need to try harder.



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Originally posted by moimeme

Huh? :eek:


I mean, she rejects your ideas, not that she doesn't get you a beer when you bark the order. When a girl likes you, and you say "Let's go over here and do this", as long as it's reasonable, she'll come (usually quite enthusiastically).

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31. She gets a restraining order against you.

32. She falls asleep during foreplay


I like the one about not laughing at funny stuff. If a woman likes you, she will laugh at even the dumbest stuff. If she doesn't like you the same thing will be annoying.

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I mean, she rejects your ideas, not that she doesn't get you a beer when you bark the order. When a girl likes you, and you say "Let's go over here and do this", as long as it's reasonable, she'll come (usually quite enthusiastically).


I hadn't noticed the thread had taken a turn...



25. Doesn't get upset when you tell her you've been hitting on other chicks.


26. Says she's going to the bathroom, then never comes back.


27. Calls the cops on you just for hanging around outside her place.


28. Conveniently has some other guy over whenever you come to visit.


29. Doesn't stop her dog from chasing you and trying to bite you.


30 Sprays mace in your face.



Of course, these can also be signs that you just need to try harder.



Johan, I'm suing you for :

new keyboard

new screen

new dinner



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33. You tell her you feel like having sex and she say's, "That's nice dear, I'll leave the room...call me when you've finished." :laugh:

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Originally posted by Craig

33. You tell her you feel like having sex and she say's, "That's nice dear, I'll leave the room...call me when you've finished." :laugh:


Gawd how awful..... :laugh:

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:eek:OMG!! You guys mean to tell us chics that even Women are Shallow, uncommunicative, and basically low too? :confused:


WOW, i am impressed! :D Girl Power! :cool:

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