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I'm in love with a guy 30yrs older than me!!


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I've been working with a guy for 6 weeks. We share the same office, he's known the family for over 20yrs. We are the best of mates, got everything in common. He's not the best looking guy i've seen, but i look for a heart in a guy, not looks. I've been out with him for drinks and then went back to his place to play some computer games. He broke up with his wife 2 years ago but is still friends with her. He still calls her his "wife" which is confusing me. Everytime he walks into the office and sits beside me my stomach goes butterfiles and my heart can't stop pounding. I lay awake thinking about him. I just can't seem to get him out of my head. The night we went out for drinks, was the first time he's seen me out of work uniform. I dressed in tight jeans (he mentioned he's a bum guy) and the first thing he did was look me up and down. So, I thought that was good. And when we bid our farewells after the computer gaming night, outside near my car, nearly pitch black, he gave me a casual peck on the lips and gave me one of the biggest hugs I've ever had. I know a peck on the lips can be just a friendship thing though. He said that if I wanted to visit him again, feel free to ring him first. The other day I gave him a bunch of daffodils for daffodil day and he didn't seem all that thrilled about it. But the thing that is worrying me is... we're 30yrs difference in age. He's 50, I'm 20. If something does happen between us, I know work and family won't approve. And... is it normal to like a guy who is so much older than you?

But how do I know if he's got feelings for me? If so, how would I tell him? I'm afraid that if he does have feelings for me, he isn't admitting it because of our age difference.


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You may be reading more into the relationship than there actually is. Next time you go out you should probably tell him how you feel and see what his reaction is. He may be totally freaked out.


As for how good looking he is. It doesn't matter, it's how he makes you feel that is important. However the huge age difference is going to be a problem and I would seriously think twice about getting in too deep

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DUH if she said he's a bum guy than that makes him a bum kind of guy :DUH!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:



Hillary sux wake up bitch before you have nothing!!!!!!!!

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Oh yes as far as older men go G-S they do tend to be more experianced than alot these younger dudes, I been running in ti,go ahead get ya an older man,you wont regret it. 50 year olds can be alot of fun,go for it it's your life if it don't work out oh well NEXT!!! Good luck hun:)

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Yes, I am a gal. Sorry, the username is a little confusing:rolleyes:

thanks everyone for your feedback. He is a fun guy. I know the relationship wouldn't be a life commitment, but I've been looking for a guy lately. I might give it a little longer until I tell him how i feel.

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Well, what DO you feel?


You've only known him 6 weeks? Infatuation sounds about right. Please don't confuse it with love.


Don't forget that you have a big problem because you work WORK together. You even share an office. What happens when one or the other of you gets tired of the relationship? Or you have a fight? Bad news when you share an office.


Not to mention, could he be accused of sexaul harassment if anyone at work finds out you are having a relationship (IF you end up in one). Is he your boss, your manager? Not allowed to date a subordinate in the workplace.


And what's with the family connection? Is he a friend of your FATHER's? That may very well put a damper on his, er, affections for you, especially if your dad can kick his ass.

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I think you might be right, norajane. It's infatuation. I do keep thinking about what it would be like if the relationship turned sour, we'd still have to live with each other everyday at work. And the prospect of knowing the family (he bought motorbikes off my Dad and my Mum used to work with him years and years ago) might put him off.

I think even if the policy of no dating co-workers wasn't in place, we'd still try and keep it quiet, even family. Because no-one would approve of it. I really appreciate your thoughts though. I've decided I will continue seeing him as just a friend, and if it falls into place, then that's fine. You guys have really helped me:D

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