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Why am I attracted only to hot girls?


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My problem is I am sexually attracted only to sexy hot girls. They turn me on. But since i am not that handsome (and no mascular body to attract these girls but very thin which is not attractive for my age- 30. ) , i don't see big chance to get them ever. About the rest of the girls, I don't have a feeling.


Here is my problem:

I've already broke up with my girlfriend. I really need sex and I can be only turned on by hot girls ( I am not interested in the rest). What should I do?

I know this kind of emotional state is not healthy but I can't help it.

Is it because I haven't had enough sex experience? or maybe becasue sex by its own attracks me a lot (without emotional attachment)?

and what is the solution? some way to attract hot chicks or what?

I can't figure it out. Any help will be appreciated.



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I'm only attracted to men I FIND hot. My standards of attraction are uniquqe to me, or at least that's how I feel. Are you attracted to sexy hot women because other people think they're hot?


Why don't you focus on becoming muscular and attractive then? Problem solved.

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Maybe you should get to know a lot of women first and you will probably find out that you can like a girl for her personality and not just looks!

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Originally posted by Mr Spock

I'm only attracted to men I FIND hot. My standards of attraction are uniquqe to me, or at least that's how I feel. Are you attracted to sexy hot women because other people think they're hot?


Why don't you focus on becoming muscular and attractive then? Problem solved.


unless those hot girls like something with more substance other than muscles. maybe brain muscles?

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I only have sex with women I can find :p


Everyone has their own taste, if you dig hot girls, good for you. Most guys dig hot girls. The fact that not-so-attractive women don't float your boat, might be a little shallow, but I guess it will even itself out, as you will probably find someone with those exact same values.


As for your body, well, you can change that, you know. It's never too late.

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You either have a brain or a hot body if you want to get a hot chick. Women are usually more generous concerning looks than guy, so if you are not that good looking, but have brains it should still work quite a bit.

Either gym or chess club.

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I guess you are not shallow- people can't decide rationally what kind of girls they will be attracted to- you just find them attractive or you don't.

Problem is, the more picky you are, the more difficult finding a partner will be for you.


Are great looks and a great body enough to attract you, or the girl also needs to be intelligent and with a good personality?


have you ever felt more and more attracted to a particular girl as time passed and you got to know her better?

or their level of 'attractiveness' does not change in time, that is, they won't atttract you any more than they did in the beginning?

do you find hot ladies less attractive once you discover flaws in their personality?


do girls you find hot look like one another? like, they are all blonde and tall? Have your preferences in women's looks changed in time?


Expecially, hot and sexy= not ugly and uninteresting, or hot and sexy= model-like and stunningly beautiful?

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I appreciate all these comments from all of you (ironically mostly from hot girls!!!). That joke -to do masturbation - I didn't find funny. Of course it does not solve my problem.


That "either gym or chess club" comment might be something.But I can't change my level of intelligence ( although I play chess!) ( I found myself intelligent at least when it comes to brain contests). But applying your intelligence in your everyday life is something else and it demands high level of emotional stability. If I were that far, I wouldn't need this forum anyway.


To like a girl ( as Touch_of_Naughtiness wrote) is something, to be attracted to her is something else and vice versa.


Adunaphel : I mean sexy like almost beautiful face with a sexy body. To answer your other question: No, when I find flaws in their personality, they still remain sexy to me. And the level of "attractiveness" goes high as you pay more attention to a particular girl specially if you don't reach them.


I think I need to be with more girls and maybe try not to confront the sexy babes (also not on TV or magazine). :confused:

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

I'm really curious as to why I drink things that are wet. It just doesn't make sense!



Thank you for making me laugh! (This time, and many times previously.)

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Of all the women I have been with in my life I was probably attracted to maybe 10% of them.


So 90% of the women I have slept with I didn't like or find good looking.


I am a big guy 6 foot 3, 240 pounds and fairly good looking but I have low ambition and poor self esteem.


I have always just settled for the women that chased me or I would only hit on the heavyset or less attractive women, to avoid the rejection.


Sure, I would love to get a hot attractive woman but they are very intimidating and usually high maintenence.


Plus when you get down to it, when the lights are off and your having sex it's basically the same no matter who you are with.

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

Oh fredrolin that is sad. It makes me wonder if my exes thought I was ugly too.



hush. you're very cute.

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You are definitely beautiful "savethedrama4yrmama" ( if this photo is yours).

But I want to thank Fredolin to share his experience. Seems to me a lot of men

have the same experiences.

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I have seen the Sex in the City episode about guys who would only date models. If that's your problem, then you probably avoid developing real emotional attachments. You're probably sort of insecure and worry more about what people think of the girl you're with than what you think of her. You may not actually think of her at all. You may not know who she really is.


I've dated a few really great looking women. They are more work, but it can be worth it. It usually takes time to break through their "high maintenance" habits. I don't mean to generalize here, but really pretty women often start getting whatever they want in most every way pretty early in life. I think that forms their outlook on men and relationships. Not to say they are shallow or anything, but they are used to getting certain kinds of responses out of people. Depending who they are interacting with, they often don't have to try very hard to get things they want or need. Sometimes they come to expect that. It's true for good-looking guys, too. Things are just easier. If I have a female manager, I usually don't have to worry about anything.


On the other side of the coin, I've noticed is that gorgeous women are also discriminated against, particularly if they are blond. Other women respond to them with more hostility and resentment. Sometimes it can be hard for them to make friends. And I've noticed that other women check them out way more than other guys do.


"Hot" is subjective though. I never date someone I'm not attracted to. If my attraction is only physical, the relationship won't last more than a few weeks. I also expect my women to be interesting to talk to and do things with. And to be a good sport about things like getting caught in the rain and lightning during a hike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey now,


I resent that remark (Fredolin) that highly attractive women are high maintenance. Just because I'm a spoiled princess doesn't make me high maintenance. One thing you have pointed out though may explain why I don't get asked out as much as guys look. They will look until they're blue in the face but damn if they won't come and talk. Sigh.


And god's funniest joke is that the guys that are fat, balding and not so attractive are the guys that aren't afraid to ask you out. The way I've learned to handle it though is to simply dress down a lot and not groom as much. I get asked out a LOT more that way. lol

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No, when I find flaws in their personality, they still remain sexy to me


Yeah, I think you're just shallow :confused:.


. I really need sex and I can be only turned on by hot girls ( I am not interested in the rest).


So you only date the girls for sex? Well then, maybe there's the problem.


I only have sex with women I can find



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