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Anyone ready for a happy ending?

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Try this one...


We're selling our moneypit of a house, we've already got a smaller place lined up, and we're moving back in together as soon as everything's ready - about 3-4 weeks' time, max.


Probably got a little bit of talking to do in the meantime, though, but I thought you'd all appreciate the good news.


I knew she couldn't resist me.



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That's awesome news uk!! I'm so glad you guys are working together and being productive about the situation. Get rid of the things you dont need! Big house, mortgage, loans. Work on ways to cut that stuff down, and it'll be less stress in your relationship.

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Many blessings to you and your mate!! You encourage me! Hope you are together for as long as you want!! Peace--Michelle :bunny:

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Right? LOL!


Seriously, congrats UK to you and yours. May God bless you for many years to come!


(Although, I did have a seat reserved for you down at the Loney Hearts Club.)

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Hey Gunny - those seats still available? :laugh: is there a covercharge?


Congrads UK .........stay focused.......and have fun doing it, keep the sense of humor.........

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You've just got to belly up to the bar and tell the barkeep "Just give me two fifth's of anything!" :laugh:

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Just read this post...Wow


UK...that is so great for you... and everyone else.:laugh:


Setting an example is what you did... You have shown to many.. including myself... what patience or having patience is worth...


Keep us posted in your post-seperation. Keep on doing on what you are doing..k



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I'm happy for you but stay on guard. I don't mean to rain on your parade but she might pull this again.

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