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Book recomendation thread

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What are the good ones and bad ones?


While I am away there are a few topics me and my SO should read about. For her she will need some marriage basics kind of stuff. Normal things in a relationship. Some kind of beginners guide to a relationship and what parts should be present.


I was gonna suggest anger management for her too but her outbursts might be attributed to her pent up anger. just check that one for future use just in case.


I'd like to read the same books myself.


For me:


I'd like to read more about how to defend your relationship from infidelity


What women really want in a relationship. Has to be written for women with a man in mind.



Good start to the book wants and needs?

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The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman. I would highly recommend this one, Gottman is brilliant.


If there was an affair, After the Affair is great. Really breaks it down. Sorry, I can't remember the author on that one.


I also love 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married by Linda and Charles Bloom. It's not what you think...it's not a "woe is me" book. It is basically 101 things that you need to know about marriage. Example "One of the greatest gifts you can give your partner is your own happiness", "Getting help when you are unable to work things out is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of intelligence"

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This might not be exactly what you are asking for, these are for you in hard times in your relationship.


"Divorcebusting" and "The Divorce Remedy". The titles might sound dire, but they are great books to read when you are going through hard times in your relationship, with excellent advice about how to cope and nurture your realtionship and yourself.


If you read these in addition to what was recommended above (I haven't read those, but they sound great) it will help you.

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One good one to read before you get married is


"His Needs/Her needs- how to affair proof your marriage" by Willard Harley. Willard Harley is also the founder of the marriagebuilders website. There's lots of good info on there about how to avoid having an affair. Good stuff!


I also recomment for her "What every woman should know about men"

by Shaunti Feldman ( I think that is her last name) There is also a book out there "What every man should know" by someone else but I haven't read that.


For relationship troubles, I suggest "Love must be tough" by James Dobson.

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The Dance of Anger, and the Dance of intimacy are great.


Boundaries in Marriage is excellent


and right now I am working through the series on http://www.coping.org, excellent information for all topics mentioned.


I highly recommend the Divorce Busters as well, they are about changing yourself.


However I have learned that if anger and abuse are issues, you must address those issues first, look specifically for books detailing living with an angry or abusive person, because none of the above books will help if there are unhealthy patterns of anger and abuse present.

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