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I need some assistance anyone been in this situation?

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So yeah...I can be a prettty crazy untrusting bf...its my past, I was a total male slut! hahaha! I finally settled down again...and now I accuse my girl of cheating all the time.


I honestly will never cheat on this girl and amazingly never did, but I get tempted to all the time.


So...shes a tad psycho as well and don't really like it when I talk to or do anything with other girls. I don't want to sleep with other women, but flirting with girls and keeping my game up to date is what I am? I just go to work, "all guys" and go home...see what I mean?


I know for sure my girl is not attracted to me anymore, because what she was attracted too is gone? How can I LET GO of these things and get my MOJO back without making her think I'm cheating or without losing her!?!?!


More then anything I was her to be head over heels again, blah blah blah!!! I know its hard after a while in relationships...but plz understand I don't want to cheat, just make our relationship awesome again!!! THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!



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