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pink smartie

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One night stands. Never had any until last night! And I don't plan to have any other any time soon.


It was one of those cases of I don't know what got into me. No wait, yes, it was a bottle of wine...


I feel so weird today. It was the classic ons scenario. Ran into a guy I've had a total of three very flirtatious conversations with in all my life. We tease each other again and start chatting the evening away.


I end up at his place. Insert x-rated part here. This morning was AWFUL. I was pretty casual about it (not like I want a future with this guy), but he didn't even have the decency to offer me a glass of water. We said goodbye - did not exchange numbers or anything.


I don't really have a question or anything. I guess I learned I am not built for ONS. In fact I don't even really know how I let it get so far. Let's just say he had some very convincing techniques.

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