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Playing Hard To Get


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I have been seeing this guy for about three weeks now, and I really like him. Whenever we're together he makes it obvious that he likes me also, and it seems like the chemistry is mutual. The only problem is, I seem to be the only one initiating things! We both lead busy lives and certainly aren't interested in a serious relationship, at least not so early on. However, I am sick of waiting until the last minute for him to call and arrange that we meet each other. The usual way it happens is that I go out with friends and later in the night call and ask if he is in the area. If he is, he usually comes to where I am with his friends, and we end up going off alone together. I never hear from him during the week, and the only times he has called me himself to arrange something it has been too late, I have made other plans - i am quite anal about organising my social life! I am used to being the one to play things cool in a relationship, but as i am finding out, if both people play hard to get things get difficult! I don't know how to approach this situation without coming off as completely desperate and controlling. I really want to see him this weekend but it's already Thursday and as far as I know, I might never hear from him. Please help!

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if this guy is not putting in the effort of calling you and having conversation with you in addition to going out on dates with you, then he wants a convenient relationship.


try to explain to him that while you are thinking it is too early to determine the status, you need that kind of attention.


he may so "so long" because he wants it convenient. that's why he meets up with you when you are already out.


try talking to him and if he doesn't respond, try someone else.

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Well actually it's Tuesday in half of the world, maybe she got the 'T''s of the week mixed up? Anyway I agree with Butterflyz, he clearly is after a relationship of convenience. I say try not to call him at all this weekend, and perhaps he'll surprise you and initiate something himself. If not, he's not worth it. Go out and have fun with your friends.

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