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im lost

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Hi my name is h.....and i really need some help.....


I split up with my husband in august last year after 12 years of marriage....Last october my friends took me out to cheer me up and I met a guy they all knew and we ended up drunk and you can guess the rest.......I thought that was it a one night stand never to be seen again till he contacted me in early december by text. We starting talking again and met up for a few drinks and became really good friends....we clicked it felt right if you know what i mean....


We were both having problems and have been helping each other out.....It started out as a bit of fun and he kept telling me I was his best friend....Then In January things started to change and i started feel more for him and i tried to pull away.......Then after he had a drink he kept telling me he loved me and wanted to be with me..............and i kept saying dont say it if you dont mean it.....we got really close and spent all our time together taking my kids out everything....Then i dont know what happened but suddenly he didnt want to spend time with me but still told me he loved me and that i was his best friend.....We still saw each other everyday but he said he needed to sort his sh*t out....He came over last night and cooked a meal for my daughter, her bf and me......We had a few drinks and then it was just me and him....


He said he wanted to be with me and he loved me..............i told him not to say it if he didnt mean it.......We woke up this morning and it all came to a head we ended up in my kitchen on the floor both crying..........I kept asking him why he kept saying he wanted to be with me if he didnt mean it and did he treat all his friends like this.......and then he said he didnt realise how i felt..........and this went on for an hour we were both still crying when he left to walk home...........


He said could he talk to me tomorrow and right now i really dont know what to do.....As he is my best friend and i do love him to pieces but i dont know what to do......as i really dont know what he thinks as he admitted that part of him does want to be with me and he always wants to be there for me and i tried to say we can never go back but im not sure i got thru.....please help me as i cant stop crying and i have no one i can really talk to.....

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