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What are we really?

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I'll try to keep this brief but understandable. Met a man, online, last May (06). We hit it off great....started dating only each other fast. He told me I was everyhting he was looking for, on all 3 levels...emotional, physical and intellectual. Then after about a week or so of seeing each other and talking to each other daily....he told me he loved me but had to break up with me because the physical wasn't there the way he thought it should be. I am carrying a few extra pounds but certainly am not obese. But he would like to remain friends. I said I didn't think I could do that...had to think about it.

I also have to say that he had been in a 4yr relationship (living together) and had only broken up about 5 months before I met him. He was greatly hurt by this.

Then, I couldn't stand not seeing him and decided to try to be friends, and casually asked him what he thought about FWB. He said he had no problem with it as long as both parties understood what it was and were ok with that. He then asked if I was interested in that with him. I said yes. This would now have been June '06 when we started FWB.

Fast forward to it now being Feb. '07. Ever since then, we see each other 7 days a week, we talk to each other every day by phone and in person. We do things like dinners, movies, skiing, shopping, helping each other with home improvement projects with and without his kids. And of course we have fantastic sex 5-7 days a week. Also we hold hands all the time, including in front of his children....but I do not ALWAYS stay over when he has them.

We spent Christmas and New years together....Xmas with his kids and my daughter...and New Years Eve..just the two of us...where he made one of my fantasies come true like you wouldn't believe.

Sooooo....my question is: Are we in more then a FWB relationship?....and should I bring up the subject or let sleeping dogs lie and enjoy it as long as it lasts?

I do know...with as much certainty...as I can...that he is not looking for or seeing anyone else...either am I.

So the question is...what kind of relationship am I in?

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Why don't you just ask him?


To me it sounds like more then FWB, but then again, some people's definition of that varies. But if he is including you in his childrens lives, get togethers etc, then it sounds to me like you are dating.


But to be clear, just ask him where the two of you stand. I think that would be the best way to find out.

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