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mixed signals??

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Hey. I got my eye on a girl here in school and its hard to figured out what she's trying to get across to me. She seems to be interested when ever we talk, but we never talk for very long. She never sticks around for very long. Like for example, I got her email off of her last week, so I could talk to her on instant message, and when i asked her, lets just say i seen the smile on her face. But shes never online and she always says she's busy. Anyone got any ideas on what she's trying to tell me??

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Lets just say, if she was into you LIKE THAT....she would make it well known to you. OR, she would make herself more available to you to talk. Right now, it just sounds to me like she is being nice. Either that, or shes kinda shy.

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"She seems to be interested whenever we talk..."


Can you please explain the above in specific please? How does she show that she's interested via body language and verbal language, etc.? I'm asking this because the rest of your post seems strictly platonic or just "to be a nice greeter" to me. A lot of people strike up these small talk conversations with me (but others go further with romantic body language, or blatant sexual/romantic remarks, etc. and those classify under flirting or trying to hook up) , male, female, old, ugly, hot, in the hallway, elevator, class, etc.; so, I just reply in a polite manner and then shrug it off when it's over, particuarly if I'm not attracted to them.


BUT, please don't be discouraged by this message of mine because I don't know enough details of your situation.

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It doesn't sound like she is trying to tell you anything at all...at this point it's hard to say if she likes you as more than a friend or not. This might be hard, but why don't you ask her if she wants to hang out sometime? (ex: I know your busy, but would you like to hang out sometime?" then offer your phone #) Even then, keep it on a friendship level as much as possible. Let her get to know you more. Be yourself, and see where it takes you. But again, I don't think she is trying to get any message across to you..she is just a busy, friendly person going about her day...but if she smiled when you asked for her email, that could be a good sign.

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