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Depends on what you're saying in your messages... Fess up.


no not even the content matters if you are hiding it from the current gf.

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It is if you would consider it a breech of trust (and/or cheating) if the shoe were on the other foot and your girlfriend and her "ex" were doing the same exact thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe not cheating per say, but very unscrupulous, no doubt. And frankly, it's quite dangerous. First you text message, then you are exchanging pictures, then you meeting for "innocent" coffee...etc.

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It isn't cheating if you two are single. It IS cheating if you are involved with someone else now...Imagine how your new girlfriend would feel if she found out what you were doing...OR better yet, how YOU would feel if she was flirting sexually online with her ex...

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In the same vein as "text cheating".....


If I dreamed of coitus with my ex would I be "involuntarily cheating" on my current?


Please give me your opinion, the questions been on my mind 46 seconds.

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If there's interaction, yes, sending sexual text messages is cheating. Why would anyone want to do this anyways? If you're in a committed relationship with someone, why would you risk it to partake in this trash?

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Former President J. Carter "Lusted in his heart" (imagination)..... a cheater.


Every man (or woman) who ever looked at a picture or read a book/letter leading to, or during masturbation... a cheater.


Everybody who ever had an online converstaion with anyone while being in any sort of "relationship" with a SO.... cheater.


Everybody who harbors erotic thoughts about another person while in any sort of "relationship".... cheater.


Everyone who has chatted up an attractive person while in any sort of "relationship" with another.. cheater.


Wrong folks. I been there, felt that. When your SPOUSE is penetrated by, or penetrates another, or brings to orgasm another... that's cheating. The rest is silly, questionable, or just plain old bad behavior.

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Wrong folks. I been there, felt that. When your SPOUSE is penetrated by, or penetrates another, or brings to orgasm another... that's cheating. The rest is silly, questionable, or just plain old bad behavior.



So it is only considered cheating if you are married? And only then if sex happens? Yeah sure........

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Wrong folks. I been there, felt that. When your SPOUSE is penetrated by, or penetrates another, or brings to orgasm another... that's cheating. The rest is silly, questionable, or just plain old bad behavior.

Let's pretend that your spouse loves to give hand-jobs every day to one or more lovers but stops just before the guy(s) makes it because she doesn't like the mess. There's no penetration or orgasm involved so this must not be cheating.

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Just remember, if it is or isn't cheating really isn't the issue. It's how your current gf views it and whether she will be able to trust you if she finds out. There is no clause in dating that she can only get rid of you for the technical meaning of cheating. Risk what you want, but be ready to deal with what it could potentially bring.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The content is very sexual in the text messages.


Then sounds like yes...shouldn't be saying things like that giving into lust especially with ex girlfriend...you could totally lose your girflfriend over that..girls are sensitive when it comes to u flirting with other girls ESPECIALLY exes.


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Just remember, if it is or isn't cheating really isn't the issue. It's how your current gf views it and whether she will be able to trust you if she finds out. There is no clause in dating that she can only get rid of you for the technical meaning of cheating. Risk what you want, but be ready to deal with what it could potentially bring.


I completely agree here. The meaning of the word "cheating" itself doesn't even matter much here. If you hide it from your gf, or if you know it would bother her to know about it, you shouldn't be doing it, or wouldn't be doing it in the 1st place if you care about her feelings. Don't ask yourself if it's cheating. Ask yourself if it would hurt her. And chances are it would, so NOW decide if you should be doing it or not.


If you'd rather be having a sexual thing with your Ex, break up with your GF and go back out with the Ex. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

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Am I cheating by texting my ex-girlfriend?

yap.....if u still have feelings with her...but if u only mean to be friends with her...hmmm...i dont know.....

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