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I've sort of been wondering... cause... ok... basically, me and this girl i met started hanging out, and after a month i told her i liked her, and she told me she liked me too, but we decided to stay close friends and just hang out more, since we gotta focus on school, but then... this kind of confuses me... cause after another month... everyone thinks we're bf/gf, and... she hugs me and stuff, but... only when we're alone.... and so.. i don't know when it's ok to do something or when it's not.... :S..... and then... sometimes i feel like giving her a hug... but then... i think that it'd be awkward... cause... what if... she "doesn't" want to be hugged.... and then... just today... when i was walking her home, she was talking a lot about how she felt somewhat depressed.... because her marks weren't so high and some other stuff..... and she just asked me... to make her feel better..... and i didn't know... what to do exactly.... :S....

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