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Am I just his buddy?

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Ok so there is a guy I have been friends with at work for a long time and we started hanging out about a year ago. We would always talk at work but never started hanging out until he found out I liked him. My best guy friend let it slip to him one day and told him that I like him. Once he found out I liked him he told me we should hang out more which we do. At one point last year I was going to move to another state where my best guy friend lives. When he found out I was thinking about moving he emailed my friend and told him I wasn't moving out there and that he should move back here. So that's the first clue that made me think he liked me too. Also at work he always seems to make stupid excuses to come over and talk to me. For example I had soup one day at work and he called me on the phone and asked what I was doing...I said I was eating lunch but couldn't finish all of it and said he could have the rest if he wanted. He said No you should finish it but I'll come up and look at it. :confused: ???? We just went to FL with some friends for the weekend and him and i shared a room at the hotel and my friend and her boyfriend shared a room. We all went out to the bar one night and my friends boyfriend (I did not tell him to do this) asked him if he liked me. He said No...we are just buddies. I am just very confused because everyone keeps telling me that a guy would not go away with you for a weekend and share a hotel room with you if he was not interested. One of my other guy friends also kept calling me over the weekend and each time he would call he asked who it was...at one point I was joking with him and said none of your business and he tried to grab the phone out of my hand and acted jealous. So basically I am confused and would like some other people's opinions. Could it be that he likes me but is too shy to admit it to other people? Or does he really just see me as a "buddy"? It seems that when he found out that I liked him that is when he started paying more attention to me. If I were him and I found out someone liked me but I wasn't interested I would try to back off so they get the clue that I don't feel the same...but he is doing the opposite. That is what is confusing me.

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He likes you. He's probably afraid of rejection. Guys don't always feel comfortable saying how they feel. They tend to show it in other ways. Go for it.

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It's so hard to say. He could like you or just like the fact that you like him. My friend changed a lot when he realised I had fallen in love with him and although he always denied we had anything going other than FWB, he acted as if we were a couple and would do the checking my cell phone and other jealousy tricks. In hindsight, he never truly loved me but he loved the attention and being unconditionally loved and the friendship (support) and didn't want to loose that.

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Nobody can call this one for you. He could be just wanting friendship, he could be aiming for a FWB relationship, he could want more. You could already be in the dreaded 'friendzone'!!


The only way you are ever going to know is to to ask!! If you're such good friends you should be able to breach this with him. It might be awkward and uncomfortable, but it is the only way you are going to be sure, short of just throwing yourself at him and seeing what he does!! ;)


Just sit him and down and ask if he see's you as anything more than friends. Can he see a relationship developing between you.


If he does like you, I'd say he must be pretty shy or something, as it sounds like he's had the opportunity to make a move and so far, he hasn't taken it.

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