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Missed Friends Online

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Can someone explain me why some people disappear without saying anything and never contact you anymore.

Even if the discussions seemed to go ok between you.




i miss a friend who sort of dumped me online last year apparently without any reason.

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Have you written your friend just to say hello? Or did you do that and he/she didn't write you back?


Maybe something happened to that person, or maybe at the time the friendship was important, but over time the connection lessened.

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or maybe at the time the friendship was important, but over time the connection lessened.


I think that is the reason.

But it is so sad.

I really miss talking to that person




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Also my feelings got hurt.

I can understand maybe I was not interesting person to talk to, but to disappear just like that after all tlaks and funny times we had , and without any explanation or just a word it hurts.


It hurts also to see the same person keep posting things on this forum and ingnoring me completly.


Maybe I am just exagerating , but it really does not feel ok.

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I do it a lot but not on purpose. Usually I send them a message and they don't reply, and then I realize I haven't heard from them in forever. Most of the time I think it's because I left the ball in their court and never heard back from them...


So have you contacted your friend just to say hi?

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Blue Phoenix

Dont feel bad its nothing to do with you personaly its internet and often people dont make the same strong mentil connection with friends they meet on here like they might in real life IE the mentality oh there only an internet friend thats just my opinion tho. Also its very possible that something may have happned to them sorry to say but how would you even know?? It's a hard situation to make solid judgements about but eather way dont feel bad more then likely its got nothing to do with you personaly..

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Also my feelings got hurt.

I can understand maybe I was not interesting person to talk to, but to disappear just like that after all tlaks and funny times we had , and without any explanation or just a word it hurts.


It hurts also to see the same person keep posting things on this forum and ingnoring me completly.


Maybe I am just exagerating , but it really does not feel ok.


Whoever the person is you're talking about should atleast tell you why they felt the need to distance themselves from you. Especially since they're here on LS, so hopefully whoever it is will read your post and contact you.


I'm sure it sucks, and it hurts...But, sometimes people grow apart for various reasons. Maybe he/she has had awful things going on in their life and can't handle an online friendship. Either way, an explanation would've been nice.


Most of all, don't blame yourself. IF this person doesn't have the balls to say goodbye or atleast give you some hints that they're not interested, and instead just ups and disappears on ya, then he/she isn't worth having as a friend.

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