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Out of the blue message

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What would you think if you were me? I used to be insane about this girl. I used to write songs for her and record them and give them to her. (Yeah I was really crazy about her) She would say that she couldn't listen to the songs too much because they made her cry. Anyway she chose another route and left me in the dust. It sucked but I slowly got over it. Well two days ago she leaves a voice mail out of the blue with only one of my songs playing on the background. What the heck am I suppose to think? I think I'm putting too much into it. Just wishful thinking. I guess I never really got over her.

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I hate to admit I would read something into that too. But what I would do is nothing at least until there was another call and she said something. She has given herself a way out by not leaving a message. "I dialed the wrong number" etc.


I wouldn't bite on this yet if I were you.

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Well two days ago she leaves a voice mail out of the blue with only one of my songs playing on the background. What the heck am I suppose to think?


It means that she is interested in rekindling what you once had for her.

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It means that she is interested in rekindling what you once had for her.


Maybe. Maybe not.

She might just wonder about you and see if you still have feelings for her.

She might be in a dry spell and she thought it might be fun to see if you still want her. I would tread carefully and do nothing unless she becomes much more persistent than 1 voice mail.

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Maybe. Maybe not.

She might just wonder about you and see if you still have feelings for her.

She might be in a dry spell and she thought it might be fun to see if you still want her. I would tread carefully and do nothing unless she becomes much more persistent than 1 voice mail.


haha so true. If you start sharing your feelings again right away, it's guaranteed she'll run off. However, she'll be completely fulfilled cuz she got the ego boost she wanted.

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