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you tell a man you've fallen in love (not in person) and he doesn't acknowledge it- but seems to want to continue spending time together, what does that mean? (Have been good friends for a while- but both comitted to others.) I see a trend in him of not being very good with emotional stuff.

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How did you tell him? Email? On the phone? How did he ignore it? Didn't answer the email? Changed the subject? Regardless of that though, chances are he doesn't respond because like you said, you are both committed to others. Saying you are in love with him puts him in a position to feel torn or to make a decision of some sort...


But if you want to know how he really feels, you'll have to ask him in person. There aren't many men who are good with emotional stuff, I'll tell you that! I think they unconsiously rely on us to nip it in the bud...obviously you haven't scared him off if he is still spending time with you...however, you two need to make a decision together about this relationship, especially since there are 2 other people involved...

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