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In need of serious suggestions

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Alright im in need of some guidance.


I have liked this girl for about 5 months now ive known her for about the same time we didnt go out up until the start of february see because everytime i would ask her out she kept saying she wasnt ready for a serious relationship the first time i asked her out it was after she broke up with her 2 bf dumped her she said she wasnt ready for serious relationship but i heard a rumor that she was sex buddies with him. anywayz that all died down and i asked her out again this time with flowers lol and she still said she wasnt ready so i decided to chill out for awhile(about 3 weeks lol) and i asked her again after talkin to her friend who said i should ask her out. I said to her that i didnt wanna be just friends so she said shed think about it an later in the day she said yes shed go out with me so things were peachy for about 3 days when her first bf who is an butthead said some crap about her so she went and punched him at she didnt get in trouble but and at the end of the day we kind of laughed it off. the next day i kissed her before she went to her class and the next period i see her she said that she couldnt go out with me anymore. so i was pissed an crap so i didnt talk to her. Im really cool with alot of people in my school and when they found out she broke up with me they kind of gave her hell. this was for about a week of me not talkin 2 her so she messaged me sayin she didnt like the fact that im ignoring her and that people where callin her a bitch and that everytime am mad at her i ignore her and quote she said "fine dont talk 2 me if you dont want to" me being me i called her and she said stuff like she didnt know how to say no to me and that she didnt want to lose me as a friend an stuff like but then when i took my time to talk she threatened to hang up on me so i was like whatever aright then about a week after this i decided to call her up and talk but my brother said he would pretend to be me and see if she would notice long story short she knew it wasnt me an was pissed that i thought she was an idiot. i apologized but she was still mad so i was like fine im not talkin 2 her i ignored her for like a week ( i said two words to her excuse me) then she messaged me sayin she didnt know what we were if we where friends or not because we ignore each other in the hall ways she then said she really didnt want to lose me as a friend and and to call her i called her and she was saying how she didnt want to lose me as a friend an stuff and how she was sorry but we didnt resolve anything cuz im still ignoring her basically she doesnt want a serous relationship and i dont wanna be just friends with her because honestly i really like her and shes been through a few problems and i want to be there for her i dont know what i should do some people are telling me she just wants to have sex with me others are saying shes just playin games with me so i really dont know plz plz help thanks in advance there is more but im just tired


btw we talk alot and she has shared things with me that she hasnt shared with some of her other friends so i know that fact that were not talkin is bothering her because i paid alot of attention to her

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It sounds to me like she's been pretty clear--she would like to be friends--and you're choosing to ignore that. Maybe she really doesn't need a bf right now--maybe what she needs is a really good friend and if you really want to be there for her then you should try to respect her wishes and be a friend. From your post it sounds to me like you're the one playing games with this whole "I'll talk to you if you're dating me, but if not I'll ignore you" thing. Sorry if this all sounds kind of harsh, but from what you posted that's the impression I get.

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no offense taken at all in fact that why i came here to see someone else's viewpoint and after reading that i feel like a douche so im gonna call her and apologize but anymore suggestions :confused:

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