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Why is she doing this? My best friend is engaged and living with her boyfriend. She leans on me for her emotional support. She always asks me to take the day off


work to take her to the doctors. She puts me down as who


to call in an emergency. She has even gone as far as asking me to be her health care proxy. Last week she asked me if


anything ever happened to her would I take care of her children. She calls me often and when he is away we always


see each other. She has told me she loves me, and I have told her I feel the same way. But she dont leave him? She puts up with his abuse. She says that he is non supportive


of her health problems. What should I do?

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You keep asking the same question! People keep giving you advice, yet you continue to have the same problem!


Here's the deal: this woman is not in a happy relationship. She refuses to get out of it. There is NOTHING you can do about that. She is and ADULT and makes her own choices for her own life. If she will not take action for herself, you cannot make her take any action.


Therefore, if you have a problem with her using you like this, stop seeing her. End of story. Maybe that will force her to grow up and start taking care of herself.


I'm sorry if this sounds forceful. But if you really wanted help, you would have taken this advice a month ago. You obviously don't, though, because you're stuck in the same predicament and probably will be for the rest of your life.

Why is she doing this? My best friend is engaged and living with her boyfriend. She leans on me for her emotional support. She always asks me to take the day off work to take her to the doctors. She puts me down as who to call in an emergency. She has even gone as far as asking me to be her health care proxy. Last week she asked me if anything ever happened to her would I take care of her children. She calls me often and when he is away we always see each other. She has told me she loves me, and I have told her I feel the same way. But she dont leave him? She puts up with his abuse. She says that he is non supportive of her health problems. What should I do?
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