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can you eat to much salad?

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Today I came home from helping my dad at his shop & I was hungry so I thought I would make a salad since I need to get it eaten before it goes bad. I use Romane lettace, 2 tomatoes, half a cucumber, little cheese, some almonds & Dorthy Lynch fat free dressing and when I was finished that thing was HUGE!!!!!


I was just wondering if there is such a thing of eating to much salad??


I figure it was a lot better then the microve dinner & thought of eating before I got home. :eek::D

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If your body wanted you to have that much salad, it was probably lacking the nutrients, therefore caused you to crave it. Most people over the years have learned to ignore their bodies demands. In truth, it's a lot more healthy way to eat.


I rarely eat unless I'm honestly hungry. Sometimes I graze-eat and sometimes I chow down to a massive steak. It's never led me to be overweight although sometimes I could stand to lose or gain a couple of pounds.

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No you can't unless that's all you eat or you eat to much.


I eat salads all the time and I'm fine. But speaking emperically, don't eat it at night time before bed. Trust me it's not good unless your stomach is made of steel.


Normally I don't load the salad up. I just use those mix lettuce bags, cheese and that's it. Sometimes I put dressing on there but it's not good for you so I learned to eat it plan.

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I eat salads all the time and I'm fine.

That's a matter of opinion.

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That's a matter of opinion.

Well yeah, it depends on the person. Some people's stomachs can't handle eating salads. Some can.

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Your body lacks the enzymes necessary to break down cellulose, which is what plants are made of for the most part (cellular walls). It's a special bacteria that we lack.


Anyways, so your body sucks out the vitamins, amino acids, and sugar(s), and throws the rest away.


You can't really eat too much salad, though you can eat too much of anything. Really so long as you're not eating like, 3 heads of lettuce a day or something ridiculous, you're fine.

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