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Had an awsome weekend - yet left wondering...

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RRN : If she wanted you to be her boyfriend TRUST me you would SOOO be there in her life exactly as you want to be! The kisses , the lovemaking , the EVERYTHING. Do you have all that ?


Now the next question is : Are you willing to lose her forever if you do the crossover and have sex with her ? IF she does not like it ( if she went through with it ) and feels uncomfortable, you are going to seriouly regret compromising your friendship.


YOU have to do what you have to do so I wish you the best.


You either to forever keep her as a buddy or make your move NOW and risk a rejection ( yeah she might go on a date out of politeness )


I hope you KNOW you need to go for ROMANCE FARRRR earlier than you have.


Wait tooo long again and she will have another.


She also sounds like she might have a drinking problem. I can go out and have a drink ( one or two ) and not be drunk...Just pleasantly feeling good..


Wer'e not going to figure out if shes a slut unless you know she has slept with lots of guys. Thats another thing to consider...

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I am inclined to agree with the above. If you don't make your intentions crystal clear, as in actually taking her on a real date and showing her one-on-one real sexual (not actual sex, but something that shows you are interested in it) attention (not grinding in a club, girls do that all the time - its mainly to draw attention from other people there and not necessarily from the person she happens to be dancing with) - then you will at the best be put in a 'holding pattern' in case she doesn't find someone else, and at worst planted firmly in the 'friend zone'.


Its time to ask her on a real date now - not 'hanging out' or 'getting some coffee' but a real actual date. Ask her out, and let her know you want to get some nice dinner reservations and perhaps see a movie afterward (this lets her know that she'll need to block out an entire evening of time, and lets her know that you want to have her exclusively to yourself for an evening). If she says she is 'busy' and can't make time for an actual date, but can 'hang out' here and there - then understand you are already in the friend zone and you'll want to decide whether to keep hanging out with a girl who won't ever date you, or if you want to move on to someone else.


Ditto x1,000.

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i worry you will lose the momentum, just KISS her!!! Trust me, you need to strike while the iron is hot otherwise it will cool very very quickly. She strikes me as the type who needs to fill up her every waking hour, so she will ALWAYS be busy and there will never be a PERFECT time to catch her. You need to grab her and give her a good snogging that is romantic and sexy. That will give little miss busy a THRILL and something to think about. Not enough guys do that I swear. More guys need to grab a woman and kiss her passionately (of course after there is some indication she feels romantically inclined towards the guy haha)

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Be ONLY friends with girls that you don't find attractive. With the girls that you do find attractive, befriend them briefly, then ask them out. If they refuse then move on. You will be in great pain if you remain friends with a girl you like. Be careful of women that lead you on and play you. They'll drop you dead once they find someone better. Been there done that.

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