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back after a year?

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I fell head over heels in love with a friend of mine of a few years. When he got a girlfriend about a year ago, I told him how I felt and told him that I could not speak to him aymore. I haven't in about a year. In the meantime I have dated and broken up with several people, yes, thinking about him. As fate may have it, he was recently hired in the same place of work that I am at. I saw him at a meeting the other day, spoke to him, suggessted we catch up, he mentioned that he had time for coffee and we went. We both caught up on all the craziness that had happened to us, break ups, death in the family, that had happened to both of us over the past year. We spoke for over 2 hours, he mentioned that he was happily single, several times. As we said goodbye, we hugged, he told me he missed me, I said the same. I told him that if he needed help on the job to let me know, I have been doing it longer than he has. He made a stupid comment about how he liked my butt, like he always did when we were friends. We were FWB, so it happened. I need to stay away from him. I need to for my own sanity. If there are any words of wisdom or encouragement, please, I need them. He's the same clueless dork as before and I need to stay away.

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He's the same clueless dork as before and
Where's your willpower? Are you going to let a clueless dork suck you back into his life?! It's time to get those curls of yours straightened out.
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