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Realizing Everything.....

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ll Blake ll

I just got done in a serious relationship...well um....Im not going to say serious but a 1-year relationship. Anyways, after a while of not being with the person, I found out that through most of the time being w/ her, I was cheated on. I don't know what to do...I mean, i still love her but I just can't believe that she did that to me. I never did ANYTHING to her...She was my main priority. It was always about her. And now that I know this, I just can't stop being depressed about all this. I thought of her as not only my world but the only GF that ill ever need. And I mean, how am I supposed to go on when the girl that did this to me was cheating on me...IDK, im just so confused and hurt. What should I do? Please no sarcasm....

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Did you have an idea that this was going to happen to you? There were probably red flags and certain signs you didn't pick up on. If you did see some signs, that means it was god speaking to you. It was god trying to get your attention to walk away, and to lead you to the right direction. Im sorry that that this happen to you. I feel your pain. I know it will take some time to get over this but you will. Everything happens for a reason, maybe this happend because god has someone better for you..years from now you're gonna be like "im glad that she cheated, because i wouldn't have met this incredible person i have in my life right now." Ask yourself what can I learn from this situation?


You might think this is the end, but its good for your soul, You have to move on from this, forgiveness is what you do for yourself, not for other people. When you forgive, it doesn't mean that you approve of what's happened; instead, it means that you're giving yourself permission to move on with your life.


Don't forget what she has done. Remembering the pain helps you remember the many blessings and lessons that are coming with it. While the pain may never completely disappear, you can find a new sense of strength and a renewed appreciation for life, as long as you're willing to make the effort. There's still hope for you and you deserve better.

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