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Re: should I??


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hi, ok, i dunno what to do. I like this guy, ummmmmm..... call him Andy and I dunno what to do. We were kinda dating last year. And we were fooling around and stuff. Right now he's like my best friend. But he's leaving for University in the summer. The thing is, I really love him, and he loves me, but right now he has a g/f. He says if they ever break up that he's gonna go out with me, cause we ahve never actually been officially going out. But... he and I both had never slept with anyone before, and we ahd atlked about it, and we decided that before he went away to school that we were going to. I don't really expect anything from this relationship other than, you know, just friends. But we still wanna do it before he leaves. The only thing is, a few weeks ago he slept with his g/f. He says he still wants to do it with me. But I dunno. I know this letter must sound REALLY stupid. But I dunno. I think I know what I should do. But I need to hear it from someone else. What do you think????



Him having a girlfriend already should be the first clue.


I feel he is just stringing you along as back up just in case he and his girlfriend break up......this is called rebound.


You talk about "doing it". A real relationship isn't just about "doing it" and "doing it" isn't the glue to a healthy relationship. Sounds like the bases of the desired "relationship" between you two is just sexual.


Which is fine, but what ever it is, wait till he no longer has a girlfriend.



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It depends on your moral values.


1. For some, having premarital sex is a everyday routines like brushing, eating, bathing etc.


2. For some, they want to have sex only with people they love and she is the only one loved by that guy. No bed sharing.


3. Some want to have sex only after marriage with life partner.


Now you would realise your values. You would probably d choose the first one. Anyway, use some precautions. Because, your "kindaa, dunno, stuff, like" language tells me, you need to grow up.



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