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Behind The Scenes

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Just wondering..


There is this guy that has a girlfriend, but he watches me all the time. He's most places I go, and my friends catch him all the time. He does it with and without his girlfriend.


During class, i see him peep in at times, and he doesnt look very happy with his woman. My friend thinks he likes me, but if he did why would he be dating someone he dont like?


I went to my school dance, and she gives me weird looks, and tries too only get all over him when I happen to walk by, my friends laugh after we turn the corner and think it's a big joke. They stood beside me during slow songs at the dance and as they were dancing I was dancing with someone else and he watched me and he doesnt look happy at all. The thing is he's a higher up guy then I am. He would be your jock, and I would be just your basic average girl.


We dont talk, and to tell you the truth I would probably freakout to talk to him. Besides I'm sure his girfriend would never approve of that. He is different though, and we do have a lot in common when I think about it. We talked once actually, but I thought he was someone else..he talked on one of my guy friends account on computer.


So does he like me?


Anyways, thanks and do you have any tips for me?

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It doesn't matter if he likes you or not. He's in another relationship. If he wants to be with you bad enough or likes you enough he will end his relationship in the proper way. Besides would you want a guy who would cheat? You have to give the same respect to their relationship no matter how bad you think their relationship is that you would expect for your own.


Stay clear of this guy until he is single. For all you know they could be going through a rough patch which all relationships do at some point.


If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. That's a lesson nobody wants to learn or believe until it happens to them.


Best of luck.

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and she gives me weird looks, and tries too only get all over him when I happen to walk by, my friends laugh after we turn the corner and think it's a big joke.


That sounds a bit mean spirited to me. Why laugh at someone else's obvious discomfort or hurt? It is just as easy to be a little more compassionate rather than hurtful and mean spirited. Why provoke her to become insecure?


After all, you still have many more young years of your life left. How do you know that one day you yourself could be that girl? And most assuredly, you will be in that position at least once, (if not more) in your life. You can choose not to believe in such things, but karma has a way of giving you exactly what you deserve. A couple of years from now, you could be at a party yourself, dancing with the love of your life, and here comes that girl who keeps staring at your man with her group of friends.


Yes, it is that obvious. You think it is not, but it really truly is. Women always know when another woman has got eyes for their man.


That aside, he probably watches you all the time because you are probably a pretty girl and/or you are always watching him.


During class, i see him peep in at times, and he doesnt look very happy with his woman. My friend thinks he likes me, but if he did why would he be dating someone he dont like?


He might be unhappy, but thats not your business or concern. If he breaks up with his girlfriend, you can then make it your business or concern.


If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. That's a lesson nobody wants to learn or believe until it happens to them.


Guest has given the best advice.


The thing is he's a higher up guy then I am.


I want you to forget you have ever said that. No one is "higher up" simply because of their status. You are just as high as he is.


My wish for you is that you respect yourself. And believe in yourself. Stop worrying about some dumb guy who looks sad in his relationship with his girlfriend. Worry about that one guy that wishes you would give him the time of day, only you keep ignoring him because he doesnt look like sad Jock boy with insecure girlfriend. Worry about doing well in school, and bettering yourself and your future. Worry about becoming the best you can be. Boys come and go all the time. Good Luck.

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I am kind of in the same situation, but I am in college. There is this guy that is dating a girl in two of my classes and I always see him. When I walk by him I can see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye and sometimes he will be talking with his girlfriend but when I walk by him he will break eye contact with her and look up at me. It is weird, I don't know if it is just me or what but I always feel like he stares. I think he is cute so I will look back and sometimes we make eye contact but nothing else happens.

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