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Hanging Out or Dating?

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Ok, so there is a girl in one of my education classes in college that has since become a pretty good friend to me. We sit in class joking around, having conversations, and just generally enjoying our time together.


Well, lately she's been wanting to talk to me and see me more and more outside of the classroom. We've been texting and IM'ing and calling eachother back and forth and it's been great.


I really like this girl. We are alike in so many ways and it's just so easy to be myself around her. I love the feeling I have when I'm with her in any setting. We constantly joke around and we flirt a good amount too. It's innocent flirting but it's definitely there.


Well, since I'm kinda shy, she brought up the idea that we should hangout. So we set up a time and she drove to my house, since she got out of work before I did, and we went out for a nice dinner. We were at the restaurant for nearly 3 hours just eating and talking. Then we got back to my house and she came inside and we sat there talking with my parents for almost another hour. It was a great night. I then walked her to her car, to "give her directions" to get home and we stood there talking for a few minutes, even though it was freezing outside, but I wasn't getting a signal to go in for a kiss.


Now, my question is, were we just hanging out, or was this a date? Yesterday she said that we have to do this again soon and that I have to come to her house and meet her family. I haven't herad from her at all today, which is kinda weird. We talk almost everyday.


Should I be concerned that I haven't heard back from her? Do you think I put her off because I didn't kiss her? Were we truely on a date?


And if we weren't how can a transition these "hanging out" dinners into dates. I can tell she likes me by the way she laughs at everything I say and she's constantly staring into my eyes and curlling her hair with her finger. I know we both have feelings for eachother, but I don't want to just come out and say it in case my intuition is wrong and she doesn't feel that way. If she doesn't have feelings for me, I don't want to ruin our friendship by blatently telling her my feelings.


So those are my main questions. I just want to make sure that she did have fun, regardless of wether it was a date or not. Is it a good thing that she hasn't spoken to me yet? Maybe she doesn't want to seem desperate? I'm just going out of my mind right now, because this isn't like us. We always talk and I'm afraid I scared her away somehow, I don't know what I could have done. And she did say when she was leaving that she wanted to hang out again soon.


Thanks for you help and sorry for coming across as desperate like this.

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When it comes down to it, dating and hanging out is one in the same usually...just depends if its in the romantic sense and what each individual interprets it as.


From what you say it seems she digs you, if i were you i would have made a move outside your house before she left. Believe me, if a girl likes a guy and he doesnt make a move - its a diss to the girl. Maybe she thinks you're not interested in her (romantically) who knows.


But in most cases of opposite sex friendships, one or both want to get into the other's pants.


If you guys talk and hangout again, make a move.

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Man. Just put it out there and make it real. Otherwise you're going to be wondering what she thinks forever and that can really take a toll on you mentally. I really feel like you should tell her and get it off your chest. I know it's easier said then done, but I've been holding out forever on my friend. I think I'm ready to tell her all that has been going on to finally gain some closure one way or another. If you snooze you'll lose. Even if it looks like you are going to lose the friendship at least you were real about it. More than likely you won't really lose her friendship. If you guys are mature enough a new healthy friendship will be formed. At least you'll know whether your realtionship with her is a friendship or more. You more guessing and freting. :cool:

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