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I don't know what i should do anymore...

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I have a really really close friend who's a girl, and we used to hang out a lot and have a lot of fun, i really liked her, and after about a year, i told her that i liked her, but... i misunderstood what she was telling me... and i didn't know she was indirectly telling me that she really liked me too... and so... i thought she was saying she just wanted to be really good friends, and around the same time i met this other girl, and i started hanging out with her, and after 4 months we told each other we liked eachother, we also had alot of fun with the time we spent together, and... well we knew we both liked eachother, but we just hanged out more, we're still not really bf/gf... but lately... this is about 1 month after we told eachother, im starting to feel like she's not interested in me anymore... and just yesterday... i was talking to my really close friend... and i just found out that she was actually saying that she liked me.... and that she still does.... and so... i don't know what to do.... cause.. it seems like this girl im with right now, we're starting to not spend as much time as we used to etc, and i don't feel the same about her, but i still like her a lot, but then i think im starting to sorta like my really close friend again.... :S

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Definitely go after the friend..... I mean you have still always liked her and if she finally has the nerve to reciprocate her feelings then why not? Good luck!

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