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Out of curiosity, why do some men say.....


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.......You're everything I want! You're everything I've been looking for in a woman! You're perfect!


But not right now. If you stay around, hey that's great, if you leave I'll understand. I'm just not ready yet.


And if I loose you in the process, well, that's just a chance I'm going to have to take.


....But I need some space.


And don't forget....you're perfect for me and the thought of losing you scares me.



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Hi Sooni, i appreciate your wits. Looks like, you have very good share of your own experience. You would understand, why they tell you if you read my reply to ".lk,oim9im" by the title "Why". (Only first para)


Guys freak out at the very moment they hear any word related with Commitment. On the other hand, We could give Doctorate for girls for freaking them out by talking about Commitment. You can keep the guy with you forever If you keep all your sexual parts with "No admission until marriage" board on it. (Which is "Mission Impossible" for most)



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