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How do you honestly feel about over weight people

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Blue Phoenix

--"IT IS UNHEALTHY TO BE OBESE. PERIOD. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS"-- Sorry to burst your sterio typical bubble but I am healthey I've even had doctors tell me this I've also had them tell me that much of the time most docs are blaming many unrelated health probs on obesity so you are WRONG on that one!! I'm verry healthey active and belive it or not well adjusted.. Now no ones actualy ansered my one question do they think its right to put down or harass people based on the idea they may or may not be unhealthey?? --"Instead of worrying about trying to convince others you are fat and happy..... just be fat and happy."-- I'm not worryed at all at the end of the day I go on with my life and you all do the same. What I'm trying to do is maybe hopefuly change some of the sterio types and neg images people have of obese people in genral.. Belive me I am fat and happy and shal continue to be so..

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Blue Phoenix

"Obese individuals with at least moderate CRF [cardiorespiratory fitness] have lower rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or all-cause mortality than their normal-weight but unfit peers. In fact, death rates in the former group are about one half those of the latter."

-Editorial, JAMA, 2004

An interesting finding of this study is that overweight, but fit men were at low risk of all-cause mortality."

-International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders, 1998

"We've studied this from many perspectives in women and in men and we get the same answer: It's not the obesity—it's the fitness."

-Steven Blair, P.E.D., Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, 2004

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Do you really think anyone is going to say they think calling you names or treating you bad is ok because you are fat?


Are you expecting that answer here? It will not happen. Because too many people will tell them they are wrong.




Overall people here and in real medical studies have said fat people are not healthy..... maybe you are the rare exception. Good for you. But the vast majority of obese people are not in a healthy state, are limiting their activities because of weight, and experience limited oppurtunities as well.


Why is it picked on? Because it is not a desired trait by the majority of people for various reasons.


Should people vocalize it...... no........ should people think that obese people are not disgusting...... no. That is an opinion formed by people for various reasons. You cannot control how people think..... regardless of the issue.


You are not going to convince too many people that being obese is a good choice when the general opinion is it is not.

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Fine, BP. I completely disagree with you, but continue living in your little world of naiveté.


It seems as though you're trying to convince us that being obese is okay. It's not. No matter how you try to swing it, it's not okay.


Just answer this: WHY DON'T YOU WANT to be slender and physically fit?

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Plus you can not convince me that an obese person can be as active as easly as a fit skinny person. No way.


Put on a hundred pound back pack and try running around. see how easy that is. My friend is obese she is pushing 300-350. She can't go kayaking because she can't fit into the kayak. She is always huffing & puffing. Has trouble carrying that extra weight.


Makes a big deal about being BBB but I wonder how much of it is smoke & mirrors. She also just has salads. (yeah right I've seen her eat! a meal an appitizer & dessert & drinks but I think the meal came with a salad.)

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People on this forum often talk about fat with more emotion than they do about their life/love, that's pretty crazy to me :confused:


Why do these "fat threads" get so much attention and why do people get so emotionally involved with them?

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Why do these "fat threads" get so much attention and why do people get so emotionally involved with them?

I really don't know...

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Actually being overweight is not bad for your health, but being obese is. There has been a huge study done with people over 65 and it has been found that individuals that are up to 40lbs overweight live longer, are at the lower risk of cancer and CV disease than people who are underweight by even 10lbs. Interesting.

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Magic morning show a couple weeks ago:


"So apparently there's this 250 lb woman who went to the doctor complaining of abdominal pains. It turns out she's got a baby. But that's not what surprised me. What surprised me is a woman the size of a cadillac is getting more than I am!"


Fat people can be alright. Would never work for me though.

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People on this forum often talk about fat with more emotion than they do about their life/love, that's pretty crazy to me :confused:


Why do these "fat threads" get so much attention and why do people get so emotionally involved with them?


As I said back on pg 2 or so, I think since there are so few moral/social taboos in society any more, health has become one of the biggest moral issues of our time. Things that used to be taboo but aren't any more:


-having a child out of wedlock

-having an abortion

-having sex before marriage


Things that are some of the biggest moral taboos of our time:



-racism, sexism, etc.

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I said that I think its a sad comentary on sociaity that some one would think there over weight at a size 16. And it is sad that some one of that weight would have those feelings about it. Common you and me bouth know that most women today faint at the idea of ganing any weight at all .And you know why its because they are brainwashed that fat even an extra 10 pounds of it is horrible and disgusting. Why do you think so many poor women fall into the pit of eating disorders?? I think they would rather be dead then god forbid a bit over weight!! and that to me is sad..

A complete "straw man" arguement. What does "an extra 10 pounds" have to do with morbid obesity? In your instance, you are 150 lbs. overweight. That you would continue to deny the short and long term social and medical consequences of that fact - while labeling those that point them out as "bigots" - is mind boggling. Your mind set reminds of those Holocaust deniers...


Mr. Lucky

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Blue Phoenix

--"Do you really think anyone is going to say they think calling you names or treating you bad is ok because you are fat?"-- Of course there not that would be admitting that they are predjuduce. And thats something that not a hole lot of people are willing to own up to.. They dont have to actualy say im a biggot it comes out in there words for them EXAMPLE..--"So apparently there's this 250 lb woman who went to the doctor complaining of abdominal pains. It turns out she's got a baby. But that's not what surprised me. What surprised me is a woman the size of a cadillac is getting more than I am!""-- Hmm I wonder why that person made that comment as a guest maybe because they dident wanna be seen as a biggot. --"just answer this: why dont you want to be slender and physcally fit"-- Simple anser for you wich you will most likely ingore anyways 1st I am already physcally fit for some one of my size. Second I dont feel the need to change myself to fit in with what sociaity says is right. Even more so since what there baseing there ideas on is mostly empty sterio types and hatetred. --"People on this forum often talk about fat with more emotion than they do about their life/love, that's pretty crazy to me"-- Because its a from of predjiuce and disrimanation like any other and they often run deep and envoke many emoshions for diffrent reasons.


--"A complete "straw man" arguement. What does "an extra 10 pounds" have to do with morbid obesity? In your instance, you are 150 lbs. overweight. That you would continue to deny the short and long term social and medical consequences of that fact - while labeling those that point them out as "bigots" - is mind boggling. Your mind set reminds of those Holocaust deniers"-- I said that I think its sad how the meida has brainwashed many women into fearing fat like its some kind of plauge. There is nothing wrong with that and if that statement dident come from a obese people I bet you wouldent even have any disagreements about it. Comparing my ideas to the Holocaust deniers is just redickulas and sick sorry to say..Intresting I posted actual facts about the health issues of obese people right here in this thread. And yet all of you are still on the over weight is always unhealthey band waggon I guess JAMA must be wrong and you all must be right go figure..

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BP - why are you avoiding MY question??


Answer this: WHY don't YOU WANT to be slender and physically fit?

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Blue Phoenix

--"just answer this: why dont you want to be slender and physcally fit"-- Simple anser for you wich you will most likely ingore anyways 1st I am already physcally fit for some one of my size. Second I dont feel the need to change myself to fit in with what sociaity says is right. Even more so since what there baseing there ideas on is mostly empty sterio types and hatetred"--I did anser as you can see now if you dident want to hear my anser then thats your choise..

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all of you are still on the over weight is always unhealthey band waggon

What do you think the "morbid" part of the term "morbid obesity" means?


Mr. Lucky

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Blue Phoenix

I think it means that some of overweight people are at a higher risk of becoming i'll and even dieing from it. Please note I said SOME tho I'm sorry but no matter how you argure it. Your not going to convinse me that EVERY over weight person is automatickly unhealthey. Thats just not true I've said it and a few other posters have agreed..

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Your not going to convinse me that EVERY over weight person is automatickly unhealthey.


BP, do you smoke?


Mr. Lucky

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How can you be that physically fit if you are 5'5 and weigh over 250 pounds? So you have no desire to be thinner? I do think you are missing out on things by being so overweight.

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Blue Phoenix

Nope I do not smoke and to anser you question erika I am belive it or not over weight people can be healthey and fit for there size. No I honestly have do desire to be thiner and yes I am verry active I can enjoy everything that a thin person can tell me one thing I am missing out on??

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Nope I do not smoke and to anser you question erika I am belive it or not over weight people can be healthey and fit for there size. No I honestly have do desire to be thiner and yes I am verry active I can enjoy everything that a thin person can tell me one thing I am missing out on??



I'm sorry.. I'm not convinced an obese person can do everything a thin person can do. And I'm saying this as an overweight person struggling to lsoe weight. I go do things like hike with one of my friends, who is basically morbidly obese.. halfway through say a hike, he is gasping for breath.. he simply can not keep up. So for a few examples, you can not hike or run as well as a thin person. Not to mention, don't some of your joints hurt from carrying around that extra weight?

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Blue Phoenix

Yes I can hike/walk I dont drive by choise and I walk every were I need to go. I can also run belive it or not!! No my joints do not hurt I take good care of myself meanning healthey diet and pleanty of activity. I can walk for 2 hours stright with out haveing to gasp for breath so you see not all overweight people are enahrrently unhealthey...

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Blue Phoenix

Same place many others have when they dont have the luxury of haveing there spell check working on there pc any other questions???

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Same place many others have when they dont have the luxury of haveing there spell check working on there pc any other questions???

yes, a few random spelling mistakes here and there are to be expected of everyone but your posts seem to have many mistakes that look like they are made on purpose. Is this true? Do you realize that having a lot of spelling mistakes detracts from your credibility?


BP you must realize that superficial looks do matter in the world, be it the way your posts look or be it the way your body looks.

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