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I don't know if I should believe him...

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I just started going out with this guy, and we really love each other.

I met him about 3 months ago in America. I actually live in Japan. I went to High School in the US as an exchange student and was there for about a month and met him.


since the frist day we met, we've been in love with each other. but we wasn't oficcially dating while i was there. I think I kinda avoided having a serious relationship with him because I am Japanese and He's American. So I just thought it was impossible to completely understand each other, Although I usually don't have any problems to share a conversation wtih him/American people. my English is sometimes weird though.


Anyway, when I was there, we hung out almost eveyday and I often stayed at his place. We saw each other at school everyday And we talked a lot. So I think I prettey much know him and he knows me as well.

He always tells me he loves me.(He told me he loved me when I was in America too.) But actually I can't really believe him. I had so many bitter experiences. And I learned from them, so I decided not to believe people, especially guys. But Now I really really want to believe him. But It is really hard for me to do now...


I've never had a LDR. and I am really afraid of losing him someday. but I don't even want to think about that. but it can't be helped... Besides, he is apparently very popular. He's so nice and very cute. So I'm worried if he eventually hurts me. I know he's not the guy who makes me cry.


umm....maybe I want to think so. and We can't talk everyday since we have school plus because of the time differnece.(but we exchange emails almost everyday.) He told me he would never ever hurt me and He want to be with me forever. But I can't help but think that guys always say these stuff or something....I hate myself When I think like that.


Well, He's coming to Japan over the summer break and trying to go to college in Japan.(We are juniors right now.) I really don't know what I should do. Should I break up with him before I get hurt?? I'm just really scared of losing him and I don't want him to leave me....although he tells me he never ever leaves me.


thank you for reading! I really appreciate it.

Please give me some advice.

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He sounds like a nice guy, I think you should give him a chance. I'm sure he is not just saying these things - if he is willing to apply to colleges in Japan to be near you I'd say that's really positive! I don't think you should break up with him just incase you get hurt, if everyone did that there would be no relationships! Trust him - there is no guarantee that you won't get hurt but sometimes you just have to go for it! Good luck :)

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He sounds like a nice guy, I think you should give him a chance. I'm sure he is not just saying these things - if he is willing to apply to colleges in Japan to be near you I'd say that's really positive! I don't think you should break up with him just incase you get hurt, if everyone did that there would be no relationships! Trust him - there is no guarantee that you won't get hurt but sometimes you just have to go for it! Good luck :)


I agree, it sounds positive! I say go for it Guest!!! :) good luck!

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Just take everything in stride and try to enjoy the times you spend together. We never come into this world with a man and we won't leave with one so once you learn that, you won't allow yourself to get too attached. I'm really just talking big, I know it's hard when you're in love...but see how it goes...listen to your heart, really. Do what you feel is best for YOU. Good luck.

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This will sound strange so just listen to me. I have had a long distance relationship with a girl who moved accross america. You say you do not want to get hurt? Well if you know for shrue(not just think) that this guy likes you a bunch then believe him, if he is honest and if you like him at all then you have to trust him.You will probably get hurt but you have to understand this, Love hurts. The flower of love is a rose, yet the rose has many thorns. You can not get weeker you will get stronger, when the storms of life hit you so hard that you just wana cry guess what? your at rock bottom, there is nuthing left but up.This is somthing that I know to be true i chose this name for a reason for i have been outcasted by th world with a few others and i will never be the same. By the way you said you were hurt before. To this I say I am sorry for a scar takes forever to heal, yet it does heal, and what heals it? Time. But all and all go for it. I have all faith in you and your choices.

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