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How much more stupid can I get?


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Been living w/ g/f for almost 4 years. Just w/i the past 40 days or so her bi-polar and manic depression surfaced. She knows she has psych. problems and claims she will go get some help. It's been 40 days and still no help. It runs in her family.


She is verbally mean, she yells at me, she tells me not to even look at her, she stopped having sex with me, claims she doesn't even like having sex with me and will never have sex with me again, won't do anything around the house, goes out w/ her friends all night and comes home at 8am to sleep all day. She tells me she's moving out one day, loves me to death and is more normal the next. She refuses to compromise. I just found out that she hasn't been paying any of her own personal bills for the past 4 years.


I tell her not to treat me like **** and it makes her even more mad. I wrote a 30 page letter to her explaining my side, how life really is, how relationships should be and that basically I'm not taking it anymore unless she changes. She agreed 100% with me; but it only lasted for a few days.


I know, I know, I know. Why would anyone put up with this sh**! Especially me. I'm normal, have tons of self confidence and self respect. Ok, I'm stupid because she is the sexiest woman on earth and was a nympho with me up until 40 days ago.


I 've had it and cannot take anymore. But I want her to get help so we can work it out. I want to stay with her only if she gets help and improves.


Here's my question:


How do I tell her nicely that I cannot take her sh** anymore, she needs major help and she needs to move out to find herself?


Part 2: do I dare tell her that I will love her and miss her and that she can come back when she gets psych. help and finds herself? Sort of a seperation or temporary thing.

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She needs help immediately!


If she has turned a 180 and it's a mental problem, then you need to help her out. Tell her that you will pay for the treatment, and that it will help her. Call the Doctor and ask what you can do, as they have dealt with this in the past. I am sure many people have the same problem as you and they know how to deal with it.


Then again it sounds like you are just with her to get some ass. Then again, if you do love her really... get her the help she needs.


Call a doctor of psych and ask what to do. Explain your story. They will know what to do, as they have dealth with these things many times.


Leave this one for the professionals.

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Thanks Bill, ggod advice! The money and the ass have nothing to do with it. She has excellent health insurance. I never thought of calling a psych doctor. They would definitely know how to help. I'm with her because of the love and not the ass. I would be helping her, because I love her. To a certain extent, I will fell badly to dump her because of her sickness.

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